Dystopia or Utopia
The Tongue Sows Seeds
The sower went out to sow his seeds. The seeds are God’s words. I have to ask myself what kind of seeds do I scatter as I speak throughout the day. I desire that my seeds flow from my reflections and prayer. I pray that my words are gentle when there is need to reprove honest when I need to speak of uncomfortable truths. When there is pain and suffering, I pray my words are not empty platitudes nor pious phrases but rather a word of love and understanding. I ask that my words of promise will not be forgotten but rather will be fulfilled. Words are easy to say but hard to live.
The tongue is such a soft and tender little muscle, not clothed very attractively and is usually hidden; unless you’re two years old. It obediently performs it’s digestive duties but often it is Mstill. When called upon for linguistic utterance it generally performs as directed. Let’s look to the book of Proverbs for some seeds of wisdom regarding what comes forth from the tongue.
Proverbs 14:17 The quick tempered man makes a fool of himself.
15:1 A mild answer turns away wrath
16:24 Pleasing words are like a honeycomb
16:28 A tale bearer separates friends
17:28 Even a fool, of he keeps silent is considered wise
18:21 Death and life are in the power of the tongue
24:7 For a fool to be silent is wisdom
25:9 Another man’s secret do not disclose
Also the book of James chapter three has much to say about how we use our tongues.
Too often we take pleasure in the gossip found in the tabloids and talk shows. It is just as sinful to spread gossip about the rich and famous as it is about family or neighbors. Most often what we spread is a partial truth or a lie intended to destroy someone’s reputation or to inflict hurt. Sowing seeds of destruction is always sinful. I wonder how often gossip and lies are mentioned in confession.
Many of us were taught that ‘ if you can’t say something nice, say nothing at all.’ That is so hard to do. But keeping silent may still be giving assent or approval to what is being said around us. Sometimes we need to risk being disliked or unpopular and defend the innocent by putting and end to the conversation. Saying something as simple as, ‘This is wrong and I can’t participate, excuse me.’ It is important to take a stand for truth and for what is right rather than going along with the crowd. By doing this we sow seeds of truth and virtue that may take root in someone’s heart. Proverbs teaches that gossip mongers create division, and that secret’s must never be revealed.And if secrets are told then it says more about the integrity of the talebearer than the victim. This is wisdom. Let us number ourselves among the wise. “Death and life are in the power of tongue!”. Prv. 18:21