Good Shepherd
Storytelling is an old person’s favorite pastime.
“Years ago,” each story begins.
Remembering long ago days and half-truths.
Sometimes funny, mixed in with sadness.
Yet sun and rainbows shine within
And life continues with grace abundant.
Ah, the stupidity of youth!
Crazy antics with pictures to boot;
A blockbuster of memories galore.
Wandering far and wide
We have hope and trust in God divine;
God’s plans we could never have guessed.
Waiting with open arms is He.
Each run forward to receive His love
Knowing all are the apple of His eye.
A humble contrite heart Christ will not spurn.
Our earthly miscues we have squandered;
Yet you Lord always call our name.
You, Lord are the story of love.
Love for us your lost sheep,
To us you come with love divine.
A simple thanks is never enough.
“Love one another,” is your command.
Yes, Lord, we want to be in your flock.