The Best Cleansing Chemical is the Blood of Christ
Tyranny about to give birth to Anarchy
A global tragedy about to explode while both factions are still in the embryo period of growth. What has brought this unsettling position to a peaceful nation that fought for freedoms we have lived since 1776? Americans fought the English over taxation which resulted in the Boston tea party. The Revolutionary war made way for our citizens to grow beyond tyranny. Our rules of permanent governing have been written in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution of the United States of America Men, smarter than current leaders, established a three level governing system with the Executive, Legislative, and Judicial standard to ensure no one group could be the sole entity to ensure liberty and justice for all.
There never has been a nation anywhere on this planet that even comes close to the history we have shown by the consistency that America has lived by. It has set standards for all others to copy.
Until now, 2022, our system appeared to be relevantly in sync with the ideals set in our documents. However, with all the fighting between our two legislative parties, not just disagreement over bills to be voted on, but areas of more than crossing the aisle for collusion, it has led to bitter mistrust from the left and the latest influx between the FBI, the DOJ, and the White House which seems to be lost in outer space
Leadership should be from the President down, but it appears that the far left governors have begun to create new laws that are filtering up to Washington instead of the reverse way to the states. According to news reports, people in some states, such as California, can defecate on the sidewalks, crime is looked at as misdemeanors in most cases and victims have become the guilty and the release of criminals backs that up.
We would hope that people will keep their cool and governing factions will do everything they were elected to do and enforce freedoms the Bill of Rights guarantees. Unfortunately, that has become the weakest part of this administration while like Nero fiddled while Rome burned, we may see a similar occurrence when Washington becomes a laughing stock on the world scene.
The old adage that a rabbit is a very gentle animal, until it is cornered. Then it will fight to the death. Let us pray and legislate to keep such a scenario from enveloping us. The time is short!
On the side of the Church we must remember what Jesus told his disciples; “Immediately after the tribulation of those days, the sun will be darkened, and the moon will not give its light, and the stars will fall from the sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken.” (Mt. 24: 29). Part of the eschatology Jesus referred to for the end of the world. Whatever happens in the next year or so will not refer to the end, but it will reflect the tragic occurrence of this nation because of the stubbornness shown from the Oval Office and those who hang on like puppets.
Ralph B. Hathaway