Putting God's Forgiveness in perspective, It's never too late to say I'm sorry!
Turning off God when you believe you are more solicious than he.
This may appear to be to be a strike at those who feel they have their own way of praying that excludes anyone else’s thoughts or good intentions. My reason for this is a step-daughter has been sending excerpts from the order of Oblates she herself receives to her siblings and us. In spite of writing and sending for publication my own thoughts for others to read it is always refreshing to get glimpses of prayers or reflections that someone else has also released for our reading pleasure.
However, there are some of her siblings that feel insulted when the Oblates’ writings are too religious for them or their own prescriptions for prayer forgo anyone else’s attempt to share the words of God with them. If it was just the idea that they have their own avenue of finding prayer or a meditation that is more meaningful to them I could understand their reluctance to read hers. One needs to understand the reason why this has become a battle of sibling contention and not judging the spiritual implications they do or do not accept from their sister.
When I was growing up just before my teenage years a friend of my father used to talk about Jesus and have old-time Christian music on his car radio. My mother, being a cradle-catholic and being defensive over non-catholic music or literature, told me not to listen to his music.
It appeared that those years' reluctance of sharing at least all Christian music is now appropo. So when I hear that there are relatives with an adverse reaction to reading someone's scriptural works it is not surprising.
Our problem today with accepting any written or verbally listening to tapes regarding Jesus, saints or holy related information has become another vestige of turning away from God and anything to do with Jesus, salvation, or sin that will condemn us to hell has become the evil in the eyes of non-believers. Whenever any negative responses raise their ugly heads in refusal of sharing our God and our salvation through believing it is a sword attacking our belief system and creating a defense that must be followed; preserving our very souls.
During this era of non-religious activities that do volumes of anti-God responses from too many who have found or are seeking other gods in their lives are establishing a new way of hope for a future that will exclude Christian ideals and beliefs in the True God. It was common in the days of Jeremiah and other prophets and the end for them was too horrible to repeat, but surely is coming.
We must, those of us who believe, reflect the goodness that God has endowed us with so that others may see the good that we do and give glory to God. (Mt. 5: 16).
Ralph B. Hathaway