Jesus, Sunderer or Peacemaker?
Righteous Wrath
Ezekiel’s words to Israel (or us) paraphrased Ex 32: 7-11, 13-14
The Lord said to his messenger
Go down to the people of America
Whom I brought from lands of persecution
And gave them a land flowing with milk and honey;
They have become depraved.
They have turned aside from the ways I pointed out to them.
They make for themselves idols of gold and of the flesh;
Crying out and worshipping them with evil laws.
This is your God, America.
I see how stiff necked you have become.
I will let my wrath blaze up against you
And consume you!
Then I will make of you a new Nation.
When Moses interceded for his depraved people, God relented because of the faith and supplications of ONE man. Who intercedes for America? What will turn us back to God’s ways? This paraphrase of Ezekiel is the first reading for the Sunday Sept. 11. How apropos!
Nineteen years ago Jihadists attacked our Nation’s mainland from within our very own borders. Some saw it as God’s warning shot across our ship of State! The Muslim extremists refer to us the whore of Babylon mentioned in the book of Revelation. There appears to be some truth in that moniker!
I’ve said it before, that for God all time is the present time. For Him there is no past or future. Those are human constructions. Ezekiel was prophesying to Israel and to every depraved generation, that God’s wrath will fall upon those who are unrepentant. Modern prophetic voices tell us we are living in the time of mercy. It is God giving us a chance to turn around on a personal level and to restore our nation to its origins--One Nation UNDER GOD. A nation which once had the reputation of fighting for the little guy, the underdog, the disenfranchised. Now the middle class is the enemy and the lower classes are no better off. Once upon a time the little guy, the immigrant through honest work could achieve a better life, own his own property and business then reach back and give a hand up. Now, the middle class is losing their small family businesses built through generations and have no means to help others. We are burdened with two political parties that vote for their own benefits, support immoral legislation that openly defies God’s Law.
“The price good man pay for indifference to public affairs, is be be ruled by evil men.” PLATO
Sin is sin, wrong is wrong and no schmoozing, greedy politician can convince godly thinking people that wrong is right. One of Jesus’ earliest disciples, Timothy, wrote “that the time will come when people will not listen to sound teaching. But will instead listen to those who tickle their ears; they will accumulate for themselves teachers who speak in accordance with their own desires.” (2 Tim 4:3) The media brainwashes us with words that tickle our ears and we swallow it as truth. (personal opinion)
As Catholics, we need to ask ourselves who are we listening to? Even within the Church (sadly) there are voices who do not support solid doctrine passed on to us for 2000 years. Doctrine is not intended to be twisted to meet the fancies of passing cultural trends or personal convenience. Religious doctrine is built upon the principles of the natural law and the laws set for us by Christ. Doctrine is meant to be a safe roadmap of beliefs that we can confidently put our trust in because it is unchanging truth. Living in the Truth is what will help us reach Heaven.
Now there is the problem! We are like those who have eyes but do not see. we fail to see our destiny! It’s not the boardroom or the fat bank account nor the finest house. Our destiny is Heaven. That’s what we are made for, the reason for our existence. We are literally children of God. He made us to be with Him in Eternity for all eternity and to be crowned with eternal rewards. If Christ is a King and our brother, then we too are royalty!
The rewards in this life are as so much dung and will all be left behind once we die. For millennia, God has been communicating with us in an effort to show us the way home.
Discord is from Satan, war is from Satan, confusion is from Satan. False teaching is from Satan. Immoral laws are from Satan. Lies originate from the Father of lies. That abortion. is good for the health of a woman is a lie. Contraception is a lie. For the past fifty years we have had a steady diet of blatant lies from Washington, the press, Hollywood and pharmaceutical companies. We have been brainwashed because we want to be. These lies make our lives. easier and without responsibility for our actions. It is time to wake up and see that God’s wrath will not be held back forever. When it comes, and it will, how ready will we be? If today were the last day how many could rest in peace?
If I haven’t been to confession in months, I am not ready. If I haven’t been to Mass in ages, I’m not ready. If I haven’t opened the Bible or prayed then I’m like a stranger to God. If I use His name in vain, cheat on my taxes, tell little white lies or gossip I’m not ready. Nope not a good place to be. If I laugh at or tell suggestive jokes, view pornography and am not chaste according to my state in life, nor dress modestly then I need to reorganize my priorities and return to God. This is the time of Mercy. Seek his Mercy in confession. We know not the day nor the hour in which we shall be required to give and accounting of actions, our votes, our words, our choices and our souls as God sees them.
God’s wrath is a righteous wrath.
Evil cannot be allowed to persist.
God must set things right and He will;
his people get on their knees
and repent
as did the people in Nineveh.
Then God with held his wrath because they repented.