To Jesus Christ alone do I dedicate my soul!
I know God! Do you?
Words of a deep endearing reality that confront the very depth of our psyche if we are open to the essence of God. Who is God that I should even ask someone else about their relationship with the Omnipotent Creator of all that is? I say I know Him who is all and forever without totally understanding everything He has given me and called into my life his life as well.
As we, finite and always searching for something beyond us, try to adhere to the mysteries few have even scratched the surface of an eternal existence, cannot see beyond the reality of life. We are born into a vast arena of pain and suffering the very moment our lungs open allowing us to breathe. Finally our eyes open and once they can focus our view should discover loving arms, a smiling face, and one who lifts and holds us close with love, even though in the early stages of life that term must be learned before our growing intellect is able to comprehend its meaning.
If any one of us finds an unraveling of the mystery called God, it is because our mother or guardian nurtured the new life around us while we grew into this entity called humanity. Somehow, the tenets of life’s challenges can become mountains to be climbed as each new step may take us where we would rather avoid.
No where else will one find the true understanding of God within the many mysteries that is him than through our care-givers raising us to become honest and loving instruments of humanity. If we say we know God we must first dissect the very meaning of who and what God is. In a previous article I asked the question as to identify if you can what is love?
According to John’s 1st letter he points out that “ God is love, and whoever remains in love remains in God and God in him.” (1 Jn. 4: 16). Therefore, if we say “I know God” there must be a recognition as to who he is and what that means. If I know God, then the proof lies in the knowledge of the many times my safety, whether physical, spiritual, or a collection of positive experiences has occurred without any explanation. That is the sign of miraculous events leaving me without any serious infractions to my mental or physical being.
There should never be doubts with anyone when something that cannot be explained happens and we are unable to believe the results of a pending disaster did not occur leaving us in the middle of questions. You may hear the following words; “wow, by chance you missed a disaster, or you sure are lucky, mother nature was watching over you.”
With God nothing happens by chance. In retrospect, what occurs may not be classified as miraculous, but when no human explanation can be found, it is a miracle. Miracles in their immediate appearance need not be so spectacular to raise the eyebrows of millions. One person alone may attest to the private interjection of God and that is enough in many cases.
Perhaps to many just a return to God and having their faith renewed after many years of hiding from God and all the attributes that identify a return to grace is for that person a miracle. When that happens bringing one soul back to the fold is how we, as God’s missionaries, build the kingdom and share with the people of God the truth of; “I know God now! And you will as well!
Ralph B. Hathaway