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As we look at the calendar, the mid-term elections are less than 60 days away. So much is at stake in our country.
President Biden will be halfway through his first term in January 2023 and 88% of elected officials are up for re-election or the successors will be decided by eligible voters. Here are things to do to ensure life and liberty candidates come up victorious on Tuesday, November 8th.
Educate Voters
Many people vote blindly on the issues at hand. 2/3 of Catholics have supported Democratic candidates in the past. Sadly, many are compromising their souls to damnation. As Catholics, we must vote for candidates that will protect life, marriage, and liberty. The first step is to educate the public on how to vote in line with the church's teachings. Don’t be afraid the share your faith.
Take part in prayer campaigns for the outcome of the campaign. Run a rosary campaign in person or through zoom. Take part in the Fall 2022 40 Days for Life campaign in your community (September 28th through November 6th). Make a Holy Hour commitment for the protection of our nation.
CatholicVote is running a novena from September 20th through 28th for churches under attack by Biden supporters. Learn more here.
As for fasting, give up something for the defense of life at the polls. Don’t purchase material things as a sacrifice for God to intervene. Step away from social media.
Volunteer or Canvas for Candidates
It is never too late to help the candidates in the home stretch of the tumultuous election cycle. Some candidates may have paid gigs to help with extra revenue. Susan B Anthony list is also hiring canvassers to help with their door-knocking campaigns in many battleground states that will play a crucial role in the national powershift in key congressional seats.
Catholics cannot be passive when it comes to politics. We must be proactive to ensure our rights are protected and our faith plays a role in voting.
"The chief purpose of government is to protect life. Abandon that, and you have abandoned all." Thomas Jefferson