The essence of becoming one with God
Climbing the mysticism of God - finding his eternal essence within
To align oneself with the challenge of the mysterious tenure of God is hard enough for a finite person, but reaching within his very essence becomes the mother of all challenges.
A person can start a journey in any aspect of life, being confronted with normal expectations until one or more unexpected challenges stand before the walker making the sojourn difficult at times. When these walls of tall obstacles arise one will need to use diligence to find the way around or burrow through until light can be seen on the other side.
Mysticism is a relevant condition very few may find irregardless how hard they try to contemplate God. It can become a spiritual journey that requires a mind free of the world, if for only a short duration. The more often one seeks this entrance into a voidless enhancement the easier it becomes to feel the darkness of the mind with the light of Christ, as in the words of the Prologue from John; “and this life was the light of the human race, the light that shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (Jn 1: 4 -5).
No one will be able to circumvent this journey within the mind until he sees the light of life surrounded by darkness of the world’s attractions. Once the mind reaches this level it enters into the mysticism of God; mystery upon mystery with all goodness surrounding the contemplation.
Herein, is the understanding of an eternity existing in this life which reveals the total essence of God. All understanding of what was hidden about the presence of God in his entirety becomes real as long as the contemplative remains in the state of wonderment. God is real, and he awaits the soul who is seeking his very essence that is open to all, but found by only a few. God never closes the opportunity for anyone who wants to find him in this deep spiritual manner to reach within his own spiritual existence. Seek, reach within the mystery of a mystic person’s prayer and hold onto what is there; a soul uniting itself with the Spirit of God.
Climbing to find a mystery is a journey in itself as the mind can always become filled with so many outside interferences. These become the world's attractions that exist with even the most adherent contemplative. It isn’t the absence of an enemy’s attacks, it is the protection of that wall of grace that surrounds us even at the darkest moments of prayer.
Ralph B. Hathaway