Death Penalty; Abolish it Now!
Fantasy or Reality?
Fantasy is a term used in many variables that might fit places like Disney World, or cartoons watched on Saturday mornings. It also enables us to drift away from actual realities such as replacing what an adult should adhere to with hiding from what is essential in our everyday life.
It has become too easy to slip out of sync with decision making that may or may not affect many people that depend on our decisions. Keeping that in mind one must know how to separate fantasy from reality.
Reality is a thought provoking entity that must be seen as a mature factor when we reach a certain age, not just chronologically but mentally and psychologically as well. I have discovered far too many people who are still living in a make-believe world where what fits their forte at the moment. The problem here is they have no responsibility since there is no accountability in their life.
This brings the subject of irresponsibility to the doors of the Church. How many times have I written about some so-called Christians (careful not to be judgmental) who have left the Catholic Church for a mind titillating experience in a different institution (not referring to them as church) where the music, preaching, and perhaps other attractions fit their style of worship. There can be a problem especially when some of the following responses from their experiences paint a disturbing picture.
One person asked her minister when they shared communion what about the real presence of Christ? He answered by saying if you want to believe it is Jesus that’s Ok, or if you don’t that is alright as well. To me this type of answer becomes a do-it-yourself belief system. Are some of these attitudes a make-believe catholic or not catholic thinking that outdoes the Roman Catholic Church’s teaching on Transubstantiation?
Lately, the same minister told his congregation he now is consecrating the host, again becoming a make-believe Catholic service without being Catholic, or thumbing our noses at the Church where only the Real Presence of Christ is validly in the hosts through the Holy Mass.
It is an unfortunate fantasy that many non-catholic mediums are not willing to seek and find what they have rejected for many years, the Roman Catholic Church. They emulate some of our truths but water down to fit their own approach to the truth without stepping that one more step and admit the Catholic Church was real many years before they joined the retreat from Catholicism to whatever they want to call themselves.
“Vanity of vanities, says Qoheleth, vanity of vanities! All things are vanity! (Eccl 1: 2). Putting all of this in perspective, the fantasy of so many break-away denominations fit these words and reflect the fantasies many lost Christians have chosen to follow.
We have a choice, but for a lot of disgruntled Catholics, poor singing, preaching, or too many unwanted regulations have put those asunder. Let us, who have held onto the teaching of Catholicism, use our abilities to catechise those who have gone away from the church to feel welcomed back. It is our duty as evangelizing catholics to show love and forgiveness.
Ralph B. Hathaway