August Truth #whatdoYOUthink?
I can’t tell you how long off and on I have prayed on the Divine website and with the Divine Office app but I have been using it more regularly recently. Inasmuch as it is said that there are no coincidences with God, but what appear to be coincidences are his anonymous message, I want to share this morning’s prayer experience.
In my usual morning rush, I grabbed my phone and clicked on the app. This morning it reminded me in the “About Today” section that today is the Feast of St. Matthew, Name Feast day for one of my sons. Skid……..Quick text to Matthew reminding him to celebrate and adding my prayers for him. A quick read of the “Invitatory” and I am on to the “Office of Readings-Feast”. Yes!!! I must click on the audio on my Divine Office app now for what is the hymn?! It is Faith of Our Fathers. And Matthew has always said, “We are the Church!”
How rare are these above words in the Liturgy! How I long to hear the sacramental Rite of Confirmation end with these words “We will be true to thee till death” and the sacred sign of the old “Mother Bear” gesture patted on the cheek to remind the confirmand to withstand any and all attacks of the world, the flesh and the evil one upon the Faith with the Grace they have received and which they must keep live through prayer. Wow, and in addition, let the faith “hang out” all over them regardless of any differing ambiance.
How long instead now on and off we have heard the buzzwords “New Evangelization” and “Intentional Discipleship”? For me, it’s like I really can’t describe the colors curry, saffron and indigo but ‘m confident I will know them when I see them.
Indeed in the same way, I do see Dane Falkner as “New Evangelization” and “Intentional Discipleship” in person. He describes himself in his signature for Founder of as God’s servant. Thank you, Dane. God bless you. God love you.
Here in Dane’s own words is how he serves God:
The Divine Office App is an opportunity for you to participate in the recitation of the Liturgy of the Hours, an ancient and meditative collection of psalms, hymns and scripture that represent the public prayer of the Christian community.
If you are unable to pray in community, but love the contentment of praying with others, a praised feature of the Divine Office App lets you view locations where other Christians around the world are simultaneously praying with you.
This version is the official prayer book of the Catholic Church, however, it is suitable for all Christian faith traditions. It contains the official text and audio of daily prayers from the Liturgy of the Hours of the Roman Catholic Church (Breviary) and has been approved for use in the United States by USCCB.
The Divine Office App is designed to make praying more convenient, enjoyable, and simple enough for anyone to use. It automatically downloads the appropriate prayers for each office, every day of the year, including Solemnities, Feasts, and Memorials.
When St. Paul advises us in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 to “pray without ceasing,” he intends more than simply bowing our heads and speaking to God on a regular basis. He means for us to adopt an ongoing attitude of prayer that is a way of life and a constant intercession for the salvation of all mankind.
As the mystical body of Christ prays in unison, it fulfills what Paul advises as Christian conduct, that believers at once pray for the good of themselves, their neighbors, and the world. In this way, prayers become liturgy, a way to fulfill our divine calling and a practical approach for addressing the suffering of the world.
Dane continues:
About this Ministry
Divine Office mission is to evangelize and to nurture our Catholic relationship with God by designing and offering contents, software products, development and design services for the Catholic community.
The Liturgy of the Hours produced by this ministry is recognized as the best Catholic podcast, website and mobile app in 2011 and 2012. Three Divine Office mobile apps were nominated as Best Catholic Mobile App in the Readers’ Choice Awards 2012 edition.
The Divine Office prayer community spans through new media, social media, mobile apps and radio stations. Community members from all around the world gather in prayer through our mobile apps as well as through our free podcast and website, which had over 2,8 millions visits, over 525,000 people joined in prayer during 2012, with an year-over-year 60% growth.
As producer of Divine Office it has been my pleasure to work with talented and dedicated volunteers who spend uncountable hours in the studio creating this beautiful liturgy. I want to extend my personal thanks to Barbara, Chriss, Denise, Erika, Greg, Melinda, Monica, Randy, and Vince for their selfless donation of time to the benefit of our community in God’s worship.
I’m not really sure how to describe the color green in my $5.00 a month online donation to, but I know Dane sees it as a “Patrick green” in the Faith of my Fathers who were true till death.
Green up, y’all!!!