When it all began
The Sojourn of man seeks to return to his creator
From the words of Augustine; “And it is only with God’s help in Jesus Christ that we can turn back to the true homeland, the place where we really belong - our spiritual home.” Taken from the forward of the “Confessions of Augustine.”
Where are we today in the unpleasantness of life’s promises that lead us everywhere that is contrary to peace that is promised by God to the loss of our path to life as Jesus said I am the way the truth and the life?
Seeking the only way to God is through Christ and the direction he exemplified by one outstanding entity; suffering. This attribute is the only way any one of us will successfully attain our rightful place in heaven.
However, the journey we must take does not promise an extrapolation from or a newness of freedom that one more removal of a cross clears the direction we must follow. Look at the martyrs who welcomed with their final breath of life attempting to emulate the Passion of Christ. He could have rejected his cup of salvation but we would have then become the loss of our freedom from final death. Jesus did not shy away from his destiny of forgiveness neither did the martyrs cease theirs as well.
It is no different for you and me. Each of us must remake the past offenses that have clouded our souls, not that confession and forgiveness of the same have made us new spiritually, but a recognition of the direction we are following to become Christ-like going to our home that is just a heartbeat away.
It will be a welcome home experience once our souls reach across that empty chasm where there will be open arms as each of us enters through the Blood of Christ.
We will recognize the path we seemed to have taken and we’ve been looking for it ever since our direction became clouded with symbols of false gods that always block the view of heaven.
As Augustine said, “You have made us for Yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.” Taken from the forward to The Confessions of Augustine. That rest will not appear until we have taken our last breath. Only then will we find the end of that journey that began as the words “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit” as the waters of new life touch your body through immersion of life giving sanctity.
No one will readily welcome suffering as a necessary element of life only, but because it is the only means to get attention for non-believers who won’t accept a crossing over from sin to God’s sending his only Son to die for our sins, will they be