Psychological Safety
There is an honest joy,
In being myself,
And no one else.
The excited hound,
Running through splashing creeks,
By evening, at my side, ever found.
Warbling birds, scurrying squirrels, buzzing bees,
Return home again in nestling trees.
Swirling snow and pounding rain upon the earth
Feed the soil where new life gives birth.
Farmer, Teacher, Planner, Mom,
To each, a portion of the day’s work be done.
Rising and setting, no one controls the sun.
Imaginations’ surmise wild new truth,
Seeing vistas beyond all proof.
Glory lust and Pride’s must,
Peace lost and joy turned to dust.
Stray from each dutiful day,
Every human grief must pay.
Clean laundry folded, floors swept,
Lessons taught, records kept,
Meals holding body and soul together,
Prayers offered each evening, forever.
There is fruitful joy in being myself,
And no one else.
Spiritually uplifting poems reflect life's trials and tribulations in nature and in our shared human experience. Grace shines the light of hope in the details of our lives, helping us take the next journey step.
Keep going. Hope's embrace awaits.