The Evangelical Disappointment
I am wholly cognizant of the fact that my articles tend to be repetitive as they consistently focus on moral atrocities within the Kingdom. With that said, I acknowledge the redundancy, nevertheless I refuse to be deterred from the subject matter as admittedly I am beyond weary of our woke pulpits and alleged followers of Christ who have embarked on a quest to remain relevant with modern day culture. Sin is rarely, if ever, addressed as clergy in all denominations prefer to deliver an innocuous message that serves to placate the carnal nature of those present, many of whom are immersed with the latest social issues that dominate the airwaves. Simply put, the Lord is not prioritized. If He is mentioned, it’s typically done in a peripheral manner so as not to beckon Godly conviction since that in turn would wreak havoc and in essence cause a decrease in revenue, along with membership. Specifically it is for that reason that we have a conglomeration of congregants who, though they attend various services on a weekly basis, lead lives that have not been transformed in any facet by the amazing power of the Savior and His Word.
Our regard for sacred Doctrine is nominal as our preference is to re-format His truth in a manner that will enable us to align the Scriptures with our chosen lifestyle irregardless if to do so is in defiance to God. We then delude ourselves with the reverie that the Lord truly did not mean what was written in His Word, and even if He did, we are excused from such decrees for He understands our specific circumstances and with that, our dispensation is complete. Since challenges to our pretentious mindset are rarely forthcoming from the pulpit, we occupy pews as we remain smug in our deceitful apparition that due to our consistent presence in church and adherence to regulations, we are not only free from judgment but also precluded from Biblical mandates particularly those which helm into our ungodly choices.
Through the years I have distinctly learned that because someone screams the Name of the Lord at the top of their proverbial lungs, is not an indication that they are familiar with the Savior for oftentimes those who bellow the loudest, know the least. During the pandemic, my parish had Rosary recitation through a weekly zoom meeting. I logged in one evening only to hear a participant loudly exclaim “Glory to God!” I was aware that this person was in a state of cohabitation with her boyfriend and my immediate thought was “Really? Are you truly familiar with Him or are you yet another individual who has opted to embrace the erroneous belief that you are exempt from His mandate of righteousness?” I had an identical reaction when during my prior attendance at various nondenominational churches, I would witness congregants who were seemingly ecstatic in the presence of the Savior yet they justified their out-of-wedlock living arrangements. How can we refer to ourselves as devout Catholics/Christians yet act as if the Lord is meaningless? Our repudiation of God is glaring as we deliberately ignore Biblical passages that compel us as to how to live a life of purity that glorifies Him. In one of the numerous directives within the Word, we are cautioned by Saint Paul in 1 Corinthians 6:9, that our involvement in sexual sin…including in part fornication and adultery…will cause us to forfeit the Kingdom of Heaven. Our response is to abdicate all personal responsibility as we instead provide a rationalization for our continued participation with offense. We subscribe to the blasphemous hyper grace theology in that God will accept and forgive all that we do without need of personal repentance as His death on the Cross eliminated the requisite for repeated atonement. To differ with this falsified theology brings the rebuke that the offender cannot be judged. And yet for those who prefer to reject the veracity of His Word, Hebrews 10:26 renders their fate “If we sin deliberately after receiving knowledge of the truth, there no longer remains sacrifice for sins but a fearful prospect of judgment and a flaming fire that is going to consume the adversaries.” Verse 29 goes on to state “Do you not think that a much worse punishment is due the one who has contempt for the Son of God, considers unclean the covenant-blood by which he was consecrated and insults the gift of grace?”
Our Savior who created us is more than aware that we are imperfect beings. His mercy is everlasting and the Lord has bestowed His grace upon us as a blessing rather than to denounce mankind which in actuality would be a rightful justification for our transgressions. Still, many persist with the deliberate abuse of that amazing gift. In Romans 6, Saint Paul declares “What then shall we say? Shall we persist in sin that grace may abound? How can we who died to sin, yet live in it?” He goes on to state in verse 15 “What then? Shall we sin because we are not under the law but under grace? Of course not!”
In essence, the deceit of compromise is a demonic strategy that is used to pilfer both His presence and capacity from our lives. Why would we expect to walk in the Lord’s fullness when our actions are in deliberate defiance of His Word? The propensity to assuage both ourselves and the masses rather than to defer to Biblical truth, has resulted in a Kingdom that is devoid of His power. Indeed we can play act as believers but our dastardly decisions have consequences as the realization remains that all we do is observed by the Savior. Galatians 6:7 is succinct in its warning to the Body of Christ that God will not be mocked.