Is good the absence of evil?
Everyone likes innovation. The word just sounds promising. Something new. Something better than before. Who can resist something that is better than before? However, sometimes evil mascarades as innovative. Instead of being better than before, it is worse. And while new, it changes what was before and distorts its goodness.
People have tried to do this to the Catholic Faith since Jesus founded the Church. There have been heresies throughout the centuries trying to change the Faith. Indeed, there have been also great times of deepening our understanding of the Faith. Calling it an innovation would be a stretch, since the Faith did not change. We just discovered more about the Faith than we new before. Like discovering gravity, the atom, etc.
Many have attempted to change the Faith and many still do today. Whether they are trying to call abortion, homosexual acts, or any other evil a good or make Jesus into a nice guy rather than God, they will still fail. The Church is the Bride of Christ and She cannot change the Faith. To do so would nullify the Faith and disrupt Jesus’ Bride.
It is good to want something new, something innovative. But God does not want to see an innovative way of us trying to reach Him. He is right there, calling out to you within your own heart. He longs for you. He desires that you but listen. In these times of noise, the innovation we need is silence. Silence to listen to God calling to us and reaching out to Him with our hearts. That is the Catholic innovation for our times.
Mary, you pondered the things of God in your heart. Help us to ponder the things of God in our heart and to hear God when He calls to us. Give us your Immaculate Heart, that we might do so with a perfect heart. Amen.