If there is to be a future where do we begin?
God answers prayer with a silent whisper of hope
Jesus told his disciples to pray, “go to your inner room, close the door, and pray to your Father in secret, and your Father who sees in secret will repay you.” (Mt. 6: 6). Prayer, the most essential manner of connecting with God and yet how many never follow this simple method of speaking with God until there is no where else to find release from the evils of life
Somehow the teaching on prayer appears to be used only when we have reached a point of no return, a period of distress for those who have come from a hopeless environment into a belief that God doesn’t hear you or disregards the need for help.
The worst condition one can find themselves in is to adhere to the thought that God cannot help or will not help you. Both of these scenarios become a direct offense against the Holy Spirit and to continue with this attitude will result in the unforgivable sin.
Believing God is unable to respond to our requests places us in an awkward position since the Incarnation of Jesus was the very vehicle for God’s unending grace to forgive all of our sins. The final step of the Passion of Jesus’ walk to Calvary guarantees his desire to forgive us, canceling the thought that he will not be able to or want to be our savior.
For non-believers in the Christ that came for us, they appear to think that when and if God answers our deepest needs will occur with a ground-shaking type of explosion portraying an enemy attack. Nothing could be further from the truth than this.
When you were in the most excruciating dilemma you have experienced and you sought God for an intervention you weren’t certain what the result would look like or what a positive touch to your soul would feel like. Without faith, your anxiety could become a blemish on your trust. However, if you are to believe it will be like “Elijah at the Mount of Horeb waiting for the Lord to pass by. Remember, God was not in the earthquake, the mighty wind tearing rocks down, or a fire. After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound” (1 Kgs 19: 11 - 12). God does not respond to our prayers by violent projections of fear; he answers with a feeling of peace. If any of the former fearful events occur, it isn’t the Lord.
If you are at peace with yourself you will know that God has answered your most ardent request and regardless of the outcome you are enveloped in the warmth of a loving Father who will not reject you or your prayer.
Ralph B. Hathaway