Being sentenced to death is one more tragedy because of hate.
How should we categorize the differences life throws at us?
Up or down, the radical left or the right in politics, good and evil, love or hate, God and Satan.
These are just some of the choices one must make to even get a grasp on life each one faces daily. Each of these fits a pattern that can identify our position in life in many positions that can lead us to God and adhere to his commandments, or find us on that road that leads to eternal punishment.
Jesus was clear when he told his disciples; “enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.” (Mt. 7: 13 - 14). This perhaps is the one statement where the choice is direct and yet as Jesus said, the many who will make the decision to take the wide path will do so because the prize at the end is so appealing.
Almost too many years have passed and there was never the temptation to make choices of gender swapping, as it wasn’t even a thought as we were growing up. Now, there are school systems that are promoting the probability for young teens to think about this satanic reality. As I wrote earlier there is at least one children’s hospital in collusion with at least one school system promoting hysterectomies on teen-age girls. The adaptation is to directly keep the procreation of children to a minimum. The one thing it does is to avoid abortions since these girls will not be able to conceive children. Again making a choice like this was never even dreamed of way back. It appears that the more medical advances enter our life, the more evil corruption enters along with the good advances.
Can anyone remember when the news announced someone was shot the night before how shocked we were and could not believe in a peaceful nation with citizens who prescribed the importance of life were reading the unbelief in their town? When we hear the statistics from large cities like Chicago with hundreds of shootings and multiple deaths even over a week-end are in a cloud of wonderment that never existed except during the 1920’s. Now it is like the gun fights in the western towns of the early years of our nation’s growth.
In Washington D. C. There always has been the election of two competing parties, but with the way the Constitution is written that is good since the probability of a dictatorship is kept clear and we vote for the best policies for all. Now, there is rumbling in the halls of legislation for a one-government party. That would quickly diminish our complete governing and do away with the Bill of Rights. Again, choices must be made otherwise the many on the wide road will pull the rest along with them.
With that in mind there also is thoughts of a one-world religion which will pull the Church into a crisis situation alluding to the 1st Amendment being overturned. It read that the government cannot establish a religion of its own choosing therefore interfering with the freedom to choose one’s own faith and beliefs. We the people of the United States of America………
Ralph B. Hathaway