Virgin Mary’s body found ?!
On Oct 4th, there was a “big” release supported by Google/YouTube of a 1.5 hours documentary with Pope Francis allegedly about Laudato Si:
Before commenting the good, the bad and the ugly, it is important to understand the context:
Is there Climate Change? The question is as smart as asking if there is Weather Change. Climate always changed and will keep changing. It’s as useless as saying that the snow is white.
Why did they pick up such a redundant term? Because they had to hide that there is no manmade global warming according to scientific measurements, yet most still believe in the myth when the Climate magic words are said: Climate Change = Global Warming
No one has answered yet the simple questions which seem to debunk the alleged manmade #Greenhouse effect:
But if manmade global warming is an unproven theory (like random evolution), why do they keep pushing #ClimateAction for #ClimateInjustice ? It’s just political propaganda for an unconscionable goal: human extinction.
Is Pope Francis aware about being manipulated? He seems clueless and, considering the letters that never reached him, it seems key people around him are blocking them, just as they did with the PLANdemic, causing the Church lockdown (scientifically proven useless), with a huge blow to the salvation of souls by denying Mass, Sacraments and Sacramentals for nothing. 18000 studies prove it:
In sum, it’s like a mockumentary of the Pope.
Pope Francis said in minute 53:
“You know, those biblical images are historical with mythical meaning, that is, to help us understand values.
The Tower of Babel was being built. It's said that human arrogance back then wanted to make it higher. How high, I don't know. And bricks were made by so many workers. If a brick fell, the worker who dropped it was brutally punished.
If a worker fell, it was no big deal. They replaced him and kept working. And that's the key to interpreting what's going on today.
We're building a tower of human arrogance with bricks of power, bricks of economy. And to build that, so many people work like slaves. And if a slave falls, nothing happens. But we've taken an extra step. If nature falls, nothing happens.
The economic arrogance, the arrogance of the power of a few people that use everything, that use people, that use nature, that use everything and destroy it.
This summer, we're seeing the fires. We're seeing how the cyclones, earthquakes, how nature is starting to complain. Nature is screaming, Stop! Stop...”
The powerful responsible for our enslavement are the freemasons behind the global government in the shadows, who print billions of fake dollars and corrupt the world with them (media, multinationals, puppeticians, religious leaders, etc.):
1 of 5 (don't miss the 5th):
Many Saints teach that when man is in state of grace, nature becomes bountiful and, on the contrary, when man is in mortal sin, nature rebels against man.
In the Old Testament, when many men lived in mortal sin (injustice) and the cup of justice was filled with it, there were punishments in the form of war, pests and natural disasters, especially drought, prophesized for when the Jews would abandon God: no wonder Israel is now a desert, when it was previously a land “flowing with milk and honey” and Lebanon had the famous cedars.
It’s the “economy of salvation”, a term taught in the Catechism. Mystic Saints like St. Faustina explain that charity and mercy works pay part of the debt to Divine Justice owed by sin/injustice (please pray that she’d be declared Doctor of the Church and secretary of Divine Mercy as revealed by Jesus in her recommended “Diary”).
Jesus said that He leverages charitable acts up to 100 to 1, having most power of intercession for atonement, the Mass, Adoration, Rosary, Way of the Cross, Divine Mercy chaplet, in that order. The Gospel teaches that evil must be paid 4 to 1. So the cup is filled up when evil overcomes goodness.
There’s no doubt that climate disasters could be chastisements for sin, especially the ones that cry out to heaven like abortion, homosex, exploiting of the poor and, especially, profanation of the sacred (like letting Jesus be trodden when Eucharistic crumbs fall due to communion in the hand, lack of tray, non-essential work on Sundays, buying on Sundays things that could be bought other days, etc.).
In that sense, global warming could be indirectly anthropogenic (manmade). There’s also the problem of deliberately creating drought and floods with satellites or chemtrails:
They are using the figure of the Pope to drill ideology:
0:27 My home town has been affected by rising sea levels. Houses have been destroyed. Now, there's not enough work. When I decided to make the sea crossing with my best friend,”
It’s obvious the film makers are playing with emotions to infer that climate change increased the sea level enough to destroy housing and jobs. This isn’t a fact at all. Of course, the fact checkers (all paid by the globalists) will never check this.
2:01 [Newscaster 1] Experts predict millions of people will be displaced by climate change in the next half century.
The same type of mercenary experts paid by the globalists that predicted COVID would kill 100 times more than it actually did, just to create a fearmongering media campaign driving masses to suicidal actions:
3:24 [Newscaster 3] The Pope reportedly agrees that global warming is real and that humans are to blame.
“Reportedly” means someone put into the Pope's mouth words he never said, as usual? Still, as explained above, if there’s global warming, it might be humans to blame.
12:08 [Newscaster 10] Burning coal, oil, and gas produces almost 90% of all human produced CO2 emissions and is the main cause of climate change.
This is a blatant lie, as proven here.
17:07 Today the sea has invaded all the houses in the area… This is the reason why people are taking boats to emigrate to Europe… Climate change is making our country poor.
Again, unsupported claims in contradiction with science.
44:07 [Lorna] Pope Francis calls in Laudato Si' for an urgent dialogue with those who are suffering from the effects of climate injustice
Since when the climate discriminates the good from the bad? It’s an eco-communist term to make the richer to pay for the poorer just because they all suffered the same weather. What would be climate justice exactly?
52:42 but we need much more than tools. [in French] Today, because of global warming, people from my country are now being displaced from their homes
Again, the blame game points to climate change as an excuse for massive migration, instead of solving the economic problems of the originating countries.
Proving once again that Pope Francis is misinformed by his entourage, he said:
57:19 “And scientists are backing it up, saying you're right about this, right about that. It's like a choir.”
There’s certainly no harmonious choir, no consensus, especially since thousands of scientists signed against the ICPP conclusions and nobody seems to have answered the 14 questions.
58:42 [Martin] Humanity has lived on this planet and watched it and observed it for thousands of years. We've learned a lot. We didn't call it ecology. We didn't call it conservation. We just felt that somehow here there was something more wonderful and mysterious and majestical and powerful at work. So we called it "Sacred." And I think we need to bring that sacred back.
Of course, they wouldn’t call it “God”. Is this panteism? It’s exactly the basis for the syncretic global creed they’ll try to impose based on the mother earth, Gea.
And finally, the call to action:
1:17:38 [group protesting] [Newscaster 19] Marches have been taking place in more than 200 cities around the globe for what's billed as a global day of action for climate justice.
[Climate expert 1] We know what to do, we know how to do it, and now it's up to us to take action.
[Ridhima] Taking action for the climate crisis, try to be the change you want to see in the world.
[Speaker 6] We are now at the crossroads of humanity having the opportunity to go one way or the other.
“Action for climate justice”. They say they know what to do, but give no clue, because they are clueless. Their climate justice, their damaging war on greenhouse gases and fuels, will only bring poverty, depopulation and eco-communism, while achieving nothing good.
One thing is right, though: we are at crossroads between ecomaniac communism and freedom:.
Of course, the film doesn’t call for repentance, conversion and sanctity. It doesn’t ask for prayers to God’s Providence or the conversion of the planet’s enemy #1, the freemasons... that would be too religious, even if no religion is mentioned?
Let’s pray to the Holy Family, including Sts. Anne and Joachim, that this message reaches the Pope, that he realizes that he is ill-advised by his scientists and that he amends the Code of Canon Law so that the Church would never ever ban the Mass, sacraments, Eucharistic adoration, processions and sacramentals, for any reason, but especially considering the freemasons plan more fake pandemics after the 2024 International Pandemic Treaty where nations would give up their sovereignty to the World Death Organization: