Religiosity vs Spirituality
Hell, the reality at our fingertips
An entity that surely exists and is within reach of every person who has not accepted the Son of God, Jesus Christ. But before we go too far into this theological concept let’s consider one important essence of the mercy God has prepared for all mankind. My most recent article titled “Preachers beware your words might become false” was meant to point out that those who never heard about Christ or the blessings of heaven will not be sent to hell, or be denied the blessings of heaven. The CCC shows that to be a truth the Church adheres to.
We need to look deeper into the existence of hell and those who have chosen to enter because they wish to share the very reality that welcomes anyone who has rejected God and the teaching of his Son Jesus Christ.
When mankind turned away from the total existence of his love being the greatest reality of the human race, God planned a way for each one to hear, reach out, and grasp the path to overcome sin through the shedding of the Blood from a Paschal Lamb, Jesus Christ.
The Incarnation was not a way to show man how to work their fingers to the bone in order to accumulate as much money as possible “You can not serve two masters. You will either love one and hate the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other.” (My. 7: 24). Yet there are preachers, as endearing in their pronouncements, promote this one attribute of getting ahead through prayer and overcoming poverty and other procurements available.
The idea that God is sending souls from every area of reasoning to suffer for all eternity because he/she never heard of his plan to save us through his Son’s Calvary sacrifice could lean on a phantom theology. I know that one or more preachers would disagree with my thoughts of God not condemning those who have not heard about Christ and His mission to save all souls from hell. The knowledge that the very reason God sent his Son to humanity was to call every person to salvation’s method of redeeming us from the loss of heaven through the enticement of hell.
Spending as much time as humanly possible to gather the treasures of earth’s harvest, not only money, but prestige and ignoring the poor and deficient part of society in the process of accumulating power and wealth is not the path he meant for us.
This is how we may address hell as being only a finger-tip away. Reaching heaven is through God’s grace, but does require our tenacity in staying on the straight and narrow road and holding onto the Blood of Christ which will lead us home. However, as soon as we decide to turn away from the tenets that will ensure our journey to a grace-filled life we find that the tips of our fingers are already scratching the surface of sin that is calling us to continue grasping the unknown ahead and falling into the crevice of an eternal hell, with no way back.
God will never condemn us to hell because we sin. He will do everything possible to get hold of us before we pull ourselves away from his saving hands. “Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and those who enter through it are many. How narrow the gate and constricted the road that leads to life. And those who find it are few.” (Mt. 7: 13 - 14). Herein is the direction of avoiding hell. And O how many choose it. It is real, and attracts so many souls that could have been saved, but remain in their quest and savor its promises that will not be there.
Ralph B. Hathaway