Lord, if You Had Been Hereā¦
One of the most popular shows in the Eighties was “The Golden Girls”, which was about four women who shared a house and split the expenses to make ends meet in their retirement years. Watching the interplay among the disparate personalities as they worked together for a common purpose provided years of entertainment for millions of viewers. The show lives on to this day in syndication and offers a glimpse of elderly life (albeit sitcom style) to multiple generations.
While the elderly in the “real world” don’t get the attention the characters in a television show enjoy, there are numerous benefits that are custom-tailored for seniors in our society. One such perk that is available is called “Silver Sneakers”. The membership fee for the YMCA is waived, and numerous exercise machines are available along with certified trainers. As a relatively new member, I have watched in awe as my fellow Medicare recipients received individualized attention according to their specific needs. Other businesses offer discounts for seniors, and even set aside special hours for them.
Catering to seniors, especially in Florida, makes good business sense. The “Baby Boomers” are large in number and represent an important demographic group. Outside of the realm of marketing, however, the elderly can be easily ignored and forgotten. It is at the intersection of need and support that the church can be at its most effective. Respect for life “from womb to tomb” finds expression in many formal ministries of parishes, as well as from individuals who offer their time, talent, and treasure in service to the elderly.
The month of October is designated by the Church to uphold and respect life from the moment of conception to natural death, and all the years in between. The “golden years” can be an opportunity to serve and be served as disciples of Christ as active participants in parish life.