The person that brings Our Father’s Fatherhood into our world, must then be our Mother.
Mary is a perfect mom. Indeed, she is not only Jesus’ mom, but she is ours as well. Jesus gave her to us as He died on the Cross. “Behold your Mother.” [John 19:27] And in Revelation, we see a woman who gave birth to the Son and the dragon was prevented from harming her Son and her, so the dragon “went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring, those who keep God’s commandments and bear witness to Jesus.” [Revelation 12:17]
Knowing that Mary is our Mom, should give us great joy. It is her job to nurture us to be Christians… to be other Christs. We are to be nurtured by her so that we can say, ‘It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.’ [Galatians 2:20] As her offspring, we can be assured that she will not lead us astray. Indeed, she cannot. She, who has never known sin, cannot suddenly begin sinning by leading us astray.
So, the only question left is, do you stop to listen to Mom? As our mother, she has appeared in apparitions, every time instructing us to pray the Rosary. Why? Because that is where she will meet us. That is where we can talk to and especially listen to Mom. In praying the Rosary, we are giving her the great opportunity to nurture us into Christ. We sit upon her lap and meditate upon Christ’s life, so that we might “imitate what they contain”.
September 8th is also your Mother’s birthday. The Church celebrates September 8th as the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary. After all, it is nine months after we celebrate her Immaculate Conception. So, be encouraged. You have a perfect Mother in Heaven trying to do her best to get you to Heaven as another Christ. Give her the opportunity to do so, and she will do more than you can ever imagine.
Mamma Mary, happy birthday! You are a great mother and we honor you, though God has honored you far greater than we ever could. O Mom, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.