A Friend of the Poor
John Kavanaugh, SJ wrote a piece on today’s Gospel and one of the lines struck me: “Why is it that we charge through life so unaware of our million deliverances? Do we appreciate our rescues or healings even a tenth of the time?”
Are you charging through life without awareness of how much God is sustaining, delivering, healing, and gifting you?
Every day, especially at the end of the day, my prayer has evolved to a genuine desire and need to remember at least a few things I’m grateful for. If I don’t remember and thank God for them, I feel a void, as if awareness of gratitude should have an important daily place in my life.
I believe that’s God’s prompting, helping me remember all of the things He has done for me that day, even on the difficult days.
But even that one prayer falls short of the millions of things God does for me that I fail to thank Him for. What would be better is moment by moment prayerful gratitude and awareness of God’s work in my life – an ongoing grateful approach and mindset to life.
Perhaps something we all should strive for.
Don’t charge through life unaware of the millions of gifts and deliverances that God gives you.