Daniel - his visions and the pre-references to God's Salvation. Week Four of Advent
Why the Blood of Christ?
Blood, it is the life-line of living beings bringing nourishment to the body, the most precious element of the body to function and feed the heart. Without that vital liquid continually surging through the body we would die.
It has become the most essential network of allowing us to breathe, use muscular actions for daily functions, and allows our brain to operate 24 hours a day. It carries oxygen, nutrients, and essential products that the body uses for life.
Any injuries that open tissue throughout the body will not be able to stop the loss of this vital life-giving element unless a medical interaction can quickly close an unwelcome tear to flesh and control the loss of blood.
If one can understand the most crucial essence of this precious liquid surging through our arteries from the heart and returning through the veins back to the heart we would never lose sight of the protection needed to prevent any possibility of an accident allowing a chance to empty that blood from the body.
So, now when the question asks why the Blood of Christ is of any consequence we must look at the Cross on which he hung as Blood continued to fall from the very body of God. One must realize that the Blood of Christ is human and following all the above scenarios it is the same pattern of its loss will bring about death unless asphyxiation comes first as with Jesus dying on the Cross.
However, the prominence of the Blood of Christ has another very prevalent meaning as to the Crucifixion of Jesus. His Blood is also sacred, and each drop represents divinity being wasted if that is possible, as the life-giving element of every drop of sacred blood that falls becomes a sacrilege. Anything that is sacrilegious puts enmity between the sacred and human conditions.
If during the distribution of precious blood during a communion service, any blood that inadvertently falls to the ground, care must be taken to cover it with a corporal cloth and an attempt to recover it and placed in a secorium in the sacristy. If this type of care is used during a communion service, what should be adhered to as Jesus hung dying and dropping his Blood on the ground?
The Blood of Christ heals, forgives us, brings each one as close to the sacrificial Christ as we are in human contact with our divine Lord, and without it are losing the very physical connection a human can absorb from his creator. It is an element that goes beyond the human condition and must be treated as the real Blood of Christ that falls into our body making us one with him!
Ralph B. Hathaway