The Desire For God is Written in the Human Heart
The beginning of the week is a time to prepare for what is to come whether work, school, family life, or other endeavors. Monday mornings present a fresh start to walk with the Lord in preparation for the week. Here is a special prayer to offer your heart, time, and love to God in a brand-new way to fulfill his will for you.
Prayer for the beginning of the week
Lord Jesus,
Thank you for this day and this week you have given me as an opportunity to walk alongside you. It is an opportunity for me to love you more each day, and I pray that in all that I do I can show you just how much I cherish this life you have given me. Your relationship means most to me, and I am honored to follow the guidance of the Holy Spirit as I live out each moment.
I would like to lift to you Lord all my family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, people within my parish community, our priests and religious, those who serve, and everyone I encounter especially during this day ahead and this week. I pray for their safety, well-being, and for them to also know and experience your love and presence in the greatest of ways.
I pray for the children of our world who live in families, attend school, and who are living and growing each day. I pray for their health, safety, guidance, and for their knowledge and love of you.
Lord, please bless your people and those I meet this week. Help me to be a beacon of light to all I encounter so that as they see me, they will also see you.
Thank you, Lord Jesus, for this moment of prayer. Help me to never forget you in all my interactions and help me to love and serve both today and every day. I commit myself to you now, and I dedicate my heart to what is most important to you, Jesus.
I ask this in name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.