September: A Secondary Chance at Resolutions
I am incredibly blessed to have a parent left at my age. I have a mom still in my life who is still very active in every way and is basically my best friend, despite the geographical distance between us. I lost my father a couple of years ago now and it makes each day even sweeter to know I can still talk to my mom whenever I would like to do so. Having had two siblings pass away before me, it is just me left: an odd place in life that I had not ever considered until most recently.
Over the years, I have required differing levels of support that a parent typically gives: emotional, social, financial, physical, and spiritual. Each one had relatively more or less but the spiritual support has always been high no matter my age or stage – right up to now.
When I was a child, I attended Catholic school and Sunday mass regularly, was catechized well, given holy objects for my room, invited to family prayer time, etc. As a teen, she signed me up for Catholic retreats and related outings as well as encouraged me to volunteer for children’s liturgy at mass, invited me to family prayer (although as a teen I may have skipped out more often than joining…)
Now as a parent of an adult, she sends me regular but random YouTube clips that highlight different Catholic priests, speakers or inspiring clips with faith filled insights. She will handwrite out little prayers that she finds and sends me a picture of it for me to pray as well or to know she is praying it for me. I had incredibly prayerful Grandparents as well as a model for me. Our Catholic models become so important. There are times or situations where I do not have the mental capacity or will do keep up with my prayer life as I think I should, but I know that she is there in the distance picking up the slack for me right now. St. Monica would be proud….
If you are a praying parent or grandparent, never undervalue your own contribution to your chid/grandchild’s life even if they do not recognize it. Your prayers are making a palpable difference.