Desecration of our Remains is apparant
Forgotten Children
Our children! What will they become tomorrow? What is the depth our children are receiving in and out of school?
We look and say my child feels lost because all of their friends have a cell phone. Are there any parents that do not approve of modern technology refusing to buy these instruments for their child?
Let’s put all this into perspective as the major difference we had as teenagers into adolescence and the children we have reared today. When most of us were born after the 30’s there were no cell phones, and computers were something giants like IBM and others were just experimenting with; computers as large as rooms or small houses. The technology was in its embryo stage and not too many even understood the terminology of what would become perhaps the greatest advance of communicating around the world.
It took laborious hours to even reach someone across the ocean via telephones, Now with computer technology one can reach someone in Britain in seconds via the internet. However, before if a teenager was heard speaking with an unwanted co-student the parents were able to cancel the call. Today, anyone with a cell phone does not need to be at home and with passwords on all communication cell phones or computers there is no possible way for parents to scrutinize this modern way of whatever comes across the networking from countries some have never even heard of.
In case if anyone is not aware of the multi-billion dollar industry of capitalizing on the sex-related industry that primarily traps the younger children by flooding the airways with sex that is available using electronic technology and the very young, those with cell phones are the most vulnerable to this entrapment. Of course, this is just one of too many ways to count changing the minds of the youngest of what are known as the three little lambs. A term used as describing the most innocent members of our families, the weakest and very innocent little children who are at the attack of wolves, those who seek to crush the little sheep that depend on the watch dog who will give his life if needed to protect these small children.
“Let the children come to meet me: do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” (Mk. 10: 14 - 15). Are the children today able to accept the very essence of just what this kingdom is about and how to find it with the intolerance being handed down from educational institutions and even some tolerant parents who hand over the teaching exclusively to them?
The three little lambs denote our children, innocent and like lambs that do not fight, or have thoughts of controlling others, but are quick learners and will follow the guide of the one who wears a caretaker’s clothing but are wolves underneath.
Recently I wrote about the wolves of Pennsylvania Avenue and the Capitol Building in Washington, but this article deals with the school systems around the country. There we grew angry with the Tyranny that seems to be growing and the disrespect for life that is extending its tentacles into society. But the one that is indoctrinating our children is most susceptible to a caretaker in wolf's clothing. Teachers to whom we entrust our offspring are opening the world of education to the input of satanic teaching. How is it satanic? Convincing children to understand they may not really be a boy or girl and should tell their parents that this is a reality. After all, they are our teachers and should know what is best for them.
I remember when I taught in trade schools and explained the requirements needed when calculating sizes and types of electrical conductors, conduits, and the method of installing each to avoid failures of fires and enhance the proper operating functions of a good electrical system. Now these were pro-high school students or adults in the industry that never questioned my teaching authority. That is what these children also adhere to when elementary teachers provide them with data contained in textbooks. However, because we are in a busy atmosphere of so much technology most parents do not have the time or concern to begin questioning the policies of a school curriculum. There is where we must search and question what children are being inoculated with through their innocence.
If your children are in a Catholic School you may be sure that these lambs have a watchdog who will bark continuously if the wolf sticks his head out from beneath the teacher’s clothes. But, if your children are in public schools you must examine their curriculum and see the books they are learning from. If the information you uncover and the barking is silenced, get them out of there and enroll with a Catholic School or one that has a good sheep dog that will protect them.
Ralph B. Hathaw