Thanksgiving; A remembrance of God's generosity: A poem of thanksgiving!
Alleluia He is Risen as he said he would; appropriate for all time!
How much does one’s faith need when accepting this greatest conclusion of God’s Plan to share his life and love with his creatures Every moment we read Paul’s letter to the Colosians which details this plan which Paul calls it “The Mystery”. See (Eph.1: 3 - 10) where the absolute plan takes on essence which follows a pattern as a stage play.
As we sit waiting for the 1st act to begin, the house lights dim, the music sounds as a mysterious opening of the curtain presents silhouetted figures hidden from our view. God’s plan has the same taste of something about to take place but in his time not ours. It is a promise of excitement just whetting our searching souls. This is the Mystery hidden in God.
The curtain closes and after a short intermission Act 2 is ready to continue with the play. We watch as the curtain again opens revealing a reflection of the Incarnation and Jesus appears on the scene gathering disciples who would follow him. The most effective example is not the miracles or signs (as John calls them) but the two-fold announcement he constantly relates to his followers; He introduces His Father to them by showing the love that he brought from heaven, and the time will come when the Pharisees would put him to death, as a sacrifice for our sins.
Sin entered the world through the disobedience by Adam, and sin would be forgiven through the New Adam on the cross This is the Mystery revealed in Christ.
The curtain closes and now our anticipation of the final act has us squirming in our seats. As we sit absorbing the mind-searching view of the Crucifixion what would be the final act that could surpass what we just watched?
The music begins with a melody that sends excitement through our veins since it involves our attention like nothing else this evening.
We watch as the house lights again dim and we see the curtain which was partially open with the Incarnation and the Crucifixion now is completely opened and what do we see? A church, with people listening to a homily and looking around, view crippled and lame, poor people and many blind receiving our care and love. Jesus says; Not looking for repayment for deeds done. “Rather, when you hold a banquet, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind; blessed indeed will you be because of their inability to repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the righteous.” (Lk. 14: 13 -14).
This 3rd act is the part of the Mystery. It is realized in us, the community of love, sharing the life of God.
Alleluia, appropriate for all time is the plan God has established for you and me. Paul’s letter to the Colossians puts it in perspective, and his letter to the Ephesians explains what this plan was intended to accomplish.
Ralph B. Hathaway