Open Letter to Politicians
Dear Politicians of all parties and religious convictions, whether pro-choice or pro-life:
Many of your voices are raised in defense of the worker, business and job creation. From my perspective it does not appear that generating new jobs is the real issue at hand. Anyone with eyes to see can read the signs everywhere: “We're Hiring!” Nightly there are TV ads inviting the young to enter the trades. Our nation is desperate for young blood to replace our aging workers
in every industry, both blue collar and professional. Even “This Old House” has been reaching out to youths to mentor them for all the trades.What is happening? Is the college track no longer a valid educational path? Where is the best place to invest in our children's future and the future of our nation?
As a former teacher, I have always felt that a college degree is not for everyone; no matter IQ or GPA. We've spent years pushing our children to get a college degree and enter a lucrative profession. At the same time we have belittled those who love to work with their hands. The smarter they were the more we were disappointed in their choices. But look at your recent bills from your auto mechanic, electrician, plumber, HVAC workers and you can readily see that these are well paid professions for which there is always a need. Their work is nessential and appreciated. The trades will always offer job security but the services of many college educated people will be the first to be eliminated as we tighten our belts in a difficult economy.
So what's my point? It's not education, student loans, trade schools verses academia. In recent decades we have been bombarded with the effects of climate change, population control and a need for a greener economy. The US population has been diminished by over 13 million in the past fifty years.
Since 1973, when abortions became legal, 13,459,781 abortions have occurred in the US alone. That is not includingg the 300-400 women who die annually because of hormonal contraception. The pill prevents ovulation and/or stops fertilization from taking place. In other words the pill also is an abortifacient. How many more lives were prevented because of the pill preventing conception. Countless women have relied on this method to allow sex at will with no apparent consequences; except that it isn't reliable. Contraception often leads to aborting unwanted pregnancies. In either case life was not allowed to develop; no baby, no responsibility, and no new workers. This is the population control promoted by the elite for their own financial gain.
These choices have had a ripple effect that touches our daily lives with no exceptions. We have a WORKER SHORTAGE not a job shortage. Places of business are already shortening their business hours of operation for lack of employees. This in turn effects their bottom line, the services provided to the public and will eventually end in bankruptcy and business closures. Look around at those already gone from the malls etc. There are long delays for delivery and store shelves are not as full as they were in months past, as a result. But then there is no one to stock the shelves anyway. Prices escalate but not your income!
Dear politians, for the sake of the economy, even if you are not pro-life, do consider the long term consequences of a pro-choice agenda. Contraceptives and abortions will always find a way into women's hands but it is not my responsibility to pay for others' sexual choices any more than I should pay for psychological services or insulin for someone else. There are many drugs that insurance companies will not cover (and maybe should) but companies can find a way around most anything without making me pay.
I could have said all this from a moral, Catholic perspective. But it's not just a Catholic issue nor that of any other faith group. Mother Teresa once said, “that a country that accepts abortion is the poorest of coountries.” Many countries of the West are morally bankrupt and have exported their evils to third world countries diminishing many unwanted races. If God punished the Israelites for creating a golden calf to worship what shall become of us who have created sexual freedoms with no consequences as our god.
Unless politicians make an adjustment to their own conviction and act accordingly, the consequences will be bigger than a shortage of workers and services!
God's 5th commandment is “Thou shalt not Kill!”
Dear Citizens how will you vote on Nov.8?
Dear Politicians willl you lead from the moral high ground?