A Journey into the unknown, led by Christ's Holy Spirit
Are we walking through thorns and thistles or lying among the branches of Palm?
How we can be led away from Christ through simple yet very intriguing images whether in real locations or dreams that have the attractions that frighten our intellect.
Should we ignore the dreams that have so much reality where our recall can place every event in a pattern of steps once we’ve awakened from sleep?
After the Magi had left the birthplace of Jesus an angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and said “Rise, take the child and his mother, and flee to Egypt, and stay there until I tell you.” After Herod died, behold, the angel of the Lord appeared in a dream to Joseph in Egypt and said, “Rise, take the child and his mother and go to the land of Israel, for those who sought the child’s life are dead.”
It takes more than just a passing fancy that one sees and hears events through a dream, it requires faith, a faith that Joseph had, to respond knowing that the angels announcements both times was a message sent from God. I am not sure that the average person who may not have a deep trust in God would receive a message like these. However, we should also not reject a vision that might be part of the reality of our normal occurrence in life.
In the past I have recounted several dreams through articles and each had to do with various parts of my ministry. A few related to Purgatory and my responses were thought provoking.
Last night (Oct. 14th) my dream began as a response to someone’s suggestion to take one of my articles and cut it into pieces (like cutting a large piece of meat into smaller chunks) so everyone could have a part of the article to take home. Of course as dreams go much of them contain sights that make no sense and trying to discern their meaning can become fruitless. This chopping of my article was not confusing until I was told to take my rosary beads and do the same. As I began to use a large knife to cut my beads into pieces I stopped asking myself why would I do this to my rosary? I quickly gathered the beads and they were still intact.
This incident reminded me of a couple of occurrences where I realized the disturbing things that my daughters faced were aimed at me. Not because of who I am, but to attack my faith which I held tight to. If you are doing God’s Will do not be surprised if something strange enters your life either with you or someone close. Satan uses those close to us to cause a drift between you and God. What happened to Job? Satan didn’t touch him immediately, but destroyed his flocks, killed all his children and finally caused undue suffering to him personally. He will use whatever means he has at his disposal to erase yours or my faith in God.
One more event in the dream was to put me in a position of an immoral act and the dream ended. Last night I was walking among thorns and thistles, this morning I awoke in the peaceful branch of Palm.
Ralph B. Hathaway