Give Flesh to Faith this Christmas
Today’s exchange between Jesus and Zacheaus reminds us of our call to more. It shows us that an encounter with Jesus, and hearing Him call out to us, brings out our full potential. For Zacheaus, that was radical generosity.
In the professional world, right now in the Great Resignation, we are witnessing many people feeling called to more – and acting on it. They are desiring greater purpose, meaning, advancement, balance, and prosperity in their work and finding it in a new opportunity.
Sometimes I wonder if the Great Resignation is actually a spiritual problem more than a workplace problem. Is the real crisis realizing that we are stuck and not living up to our full potential as human beings?
Remember though, that career is only part of that potential. Relationships, spiritual life, well-being, and service/justice are also part of our potential, and research shows that human beings aren’t necessarily thriving in these areas right now either.
Based on the recommendation of a friend, recently I started using the Monk Manual, a monthly/weekly/daily planner to intentionally live up to my potential in all of these different areas of life. It’s holistic and it’s keeping me more accountable for growing in the directions I’m called to. It forces me to identify my monthly focus areas and put weekly/daily plans in place to make progress towards them. What I like about it is that I can no longer just stay “stuck.” It keeps me moving forward in becoming a better “me” for God and others.
Maybe that approach is too much for you right now, but at the very least, it may be helpful to jot down how all of these areas of your life are faring right now and to honestly ask yourself: Are you stuck? Have you felt Jesus’ call to more in any one of them? What does full potential look like in these areas for you?
Today, Jesus calls us down from the tree. He calls us more. Will you answer the call to start moving in the direction of your fullest potential?