Why do we still feel Tenderheartedness?
All Saints in heaven and on earth please pray for peace!
As we pray the Apostles’ Creed and ponder over the words that call to mind “the communion of saints” we may think of The Church Triumphant which those in heaven have reached through the grace of God. Our number one request for them is to pray for us here the Church Militant. Of course, the Church Penitent those in purgatory usually become the recipients of prayer from both entities praying for their expiation.
Many years past who ever would have believed the condition the church would be in now in 2022? At a time when the most crucial concern was praying for those who died, at Mass and after thinking about our loved ones, we sought those in heaven along with us to remember them. Now as then when November 1st rolls around we have special masses in remembrance of those who have attained sainthood as they enter paradise and in the presence of Almighty God.
That has not changed and never should as we seek their prayers for the dead and especially for us who are waiting to be called. However, the prayers for us has become so necessary that even with everyone on their knees in supplication for those alive the future has become a distant hope as the threat of nuclear war has become a reality. The current government in Washington and too many foreign nations all with a view of total destruction of each other follows the same theme that Adolf Hitler had his eyes on. But, then the only weapons were tanks, aircraft, and soldiers who struggled to overtake world countries one foot at a time. Thank God there were no nuclear weapons in the 1940’s.
Today the choice of nuclear power will make a difference if just one person goes haywire and pushes a button releasing rockets that can reach the shores of the United States. At risk is not just America but Israel and those nations that support the Jewish nation.
We hear a lot about the theme found in the Book of Revelation as a possibility of Armageddon and the imagery found there and the Book of Daniel. From chapter 8 “the first four trumpets” “when the first angel blew his trumpet, there came hail and fire mixed with blood, which was hurled down to the earth. A third of the land was burned up, along with a third of the trees and all the green grass.” “When the second angel blew his trumpet, something like a large burning mountain was hurled into the sea. A third of the sea turned to blood, a third of the creatures living in the sea died, and a third of the ships were wrecked.” Of course there were five more trumpets to be blown and more of the earth experienced upheaval. (Rv. 8: 7- 9).
There is no way to anticipate what nuclear weapons will do. Remember the two atomic bombs that destroyed two Japanese cities that ended WW II? The power of today’s nuclear power is far more destructive than those over Japan.
Today, when we remember the Souls who have gone before us and are in position to pray for us, let our petitions reach those who are in God’s presence and ask for his mercy on us who may not see another year before the evil from Satan’s warlords are able to bring destruction of our governments, our churches, and the many countless civilians around the world who will become martyred.
Ralph B. Hathaway