God in All Things ... Even Greeting Cards
My husband and I were watching a documentary on death and heaven the other night, and an insight from it struck me: What we long for is heaven, the place of rest.
We often can’t wait for our next weekend, day off, holiday, or vacation. We long for leisure, more sleep, down time, prayer time, and self-care. Why? Because deep down, we long for rest. True rest that none of these small bouts of rest will ultimately give us.
When you’re wanting any of these things, you’re probably wanting heaven.
I remember when my grandmother was dying, she often told her children she was tired. My grandmother had done a lot in her life caring for a household, family of 7, and working in various jobs. She longed for rest. She died in peace and I have no doubt she is in her true place of rest finally.
We’re tired, worn out, and burned out too. I see it in the faces of all the people in my life. The moral and economic state of the world is weighing on us, not to mention the day to day living, conflicts, running the kids around everywhere, and working one or two jobs to pay bills and put food on the table. Then, add in the incessant drain of Zoom meetings, media, and digital devices that sap our energy.
It’s all a lot to endure, but as Paul says, “By your perseverance, you will secure your lives.”
So when you’re struggling through this life and longing for rest, or if you’re seeing the madness of this world and wondering if the end is near, may that remind you that this world is passing and to persevere is the call.
Keep on living the Christian life, working hard, fulfilling your purpose, working for justice, and loving others as you make your way to your true place of rest: Heaven.