Where Sin exists Mercy abounds all the more
Am I just a shadow or do I create the shadow?
We know if we stand with the sunshine behind us a shadow of our body can be seen as an image that blocks the light and follows our very movements as we physically move our body parts. If the sun’s brightness becomes diminished from the sunset or a very cloudy afternoon the shadow disappears. Suddenly the need for light becomes apparent as we search for an illuminated entity.
There is a significance of light’s natural presence that extends much further than allowing us to see and work without artificial illumination. When using a flashlight or electrical lighting systems we find that there are shadows created all around us and never really create a complete environment of working without shadows popping up at every turn.
Has anyone of us ever taken the time to analyze just what light really means especially in a world where darkness is more than a physiological existence? It allows something beyond our finite ability to permeate the sense of seeing beyond what comes into our viewing mindset. The eyes take a mental picture or snapshot of everything passing before us and registers images that mean more than just floating snapshots. Immediately our brain begins to sort out movements beyond our comprehension that are something much more spiritual than just human interactions
When John wrote these words defining Jesus’ Incarnation the presence of light was more than mere illumination. He is illuminating humanity by his very presence which can never be extinguished. “What came to be through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race; the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” (Jn. 1: 3a - 5).
A question was asked children in school regarding the multi colored windows in church with images of angels and saints. One child immediately answered with “the saints are people the light shines through.”
See that when the light of Christ, who is light itself in a dark world, shines through each saint, who are all of us when we accept his truth, and becomes a lighted path for all to walk.
The light shown through Jesus and as we walk with the light of Christ behind us the same light is illuminating our journey and we indeed create the shadows of everlasting life which is Christ himself. We do create the shadow of eternal life and are also the shadow of Christ!
Ralph B. Hathaway