Faith Formation at Home Part 3: Tackling Teens
This Saturday is International Survivors of Suicide Loss Day and this month of November is a month we remember and pray for those who have died. There is a stigma surrounding suicide that affects deeply those left behind. A stigma that causes some to instantly think less of those family members, as though they were blind or chose not to help. Sometimes it’s a stigma that declares the worth of the one who passed or where their eternal soul must be.
“Every suicide is a tragedy. The World Health Organization (WHO) and the Global Burden of Disease study estimate that almost 800,000 people die from suicide every year. That’s one person every 40 seconds.” (
No matter the opinions, these stigmas hurt those left behind and they prevent healing in a time when healing is essential and very difficult. Sometimes signs of suicide ideation or plans is well masked or the family is uneducated or unable in terms of catching those signs or helping. Sometimes a person is too close to be able to recognize the need for help until it’s too late. If the signs of suicidal ideation or being suicidal were simple, many more suicides would be prevented.
The survivors of those who have died by suicide are shocked, hurt, confused, maybe angry, and completely saddened at the loss of their loved one. They often wonder if any of it was preventable or their own fault. This can cause a myriad of mental health issues, so that the trauma of loss could spiral from one mental health problem to another. No judgment of the deceased, whether for before or after their death, will ever console the loss. Gentleness, grace, mercy, and extreme kindness is needed.
There is a story that tells of a woman coming to Padre Pio in earnest and asking if her deceased loved one, who died by suicide, was in hell. He told her that her loved one repented between the bridge and the water and he was saved. Truly, we can never know such things, but in that same manner, neither should we judge or declare that which we cannot know. Pray, instead, for the souls of the departed and for the survivors always.
Recently, the Association of Catholic Mental Health Ministers, in partnership with Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries, began a new film series called When a Loved One Dies by Suicide. In this series, we hear Bishop Dolan speak about his siblings’ suicides at various times and how it affected his family and his own life. His journey to healing should inspire others to the same. This world needs so much healing, so this series is timely and crucial for those who have lost a loved one to suicide and even to those who have not. The information and stories contained can benefit all if only to open our eyes to the effects and the needs of those affected.
This Saturday, we remember and pray especially for those who have survived a suicide loss, but also for those who have died by suicide. This month, we pray for the deceased, Catholic or not. And lastly, always, always pray for those in Purgatory. We should never assume one “made it to Heaven” but pray for them anyway. Our prayers are never wasted.
If you or anyone you know may be in crisis, please reach out to the National Suicide and Crisis Lifeline or dial 988 in the US. Outside the US, Internation Suicide Hotlines are available from Open Counseling, just choose your country.
Let’s continue to open our hearts to this hurting world and end the stigma of suicide with love, compassion, understanding, and mercy. God Bless.