3 Big Fat Elephants in the Abortion room
15 million just watched an amazing documentary in 3 days, yet there’s probably a one in a billion chance that you are not informed about the important information below, at least all of it.
Why do some expect the Pope to be different than the masses fed with dominant media mis/disinformation? Considering so many are still deluded, why is the Pope accused of deliberately giving ill advise (literally), when supporting massive experimental vaccines?
We read in the news that the Pope constantly replies to letters and even calls back in response to letters sent from ordinary laymen. Yet, two weeks ago, an Argentine Bishop told me that he wrote a sealed letter to the Pope about important matters for the Church, yet he didn’t get any reply.
This author have sent two letters through different ways. Only one got a return receipt. The Pope didn’t read it because one of the topics was about declaring Saint Faustina Doctor of the Church, considering Jesus Himself revealed this in her famous Diary, which could be read for free here1.
Another topic in the letter was establishing the feast of the Nativity of St. Joseph. Considering that the Pope is very devoted to those two Saints, it’s hard to imagine he wouldn’t do anything about those two particular subjects.
Among many important topics for the Church which can be read in Spanish here2, there was the need to change the Code of Canon Law in order to avoid ever again denying Mass, Sacraments and sacramentals, during a pandemic, despite that epidemiological science foretold, a prediction later confirmed by 18 000 studies3, that lock-downs would be completely useless to “flatten the curve” and even harmful (lack of treatments and medicines, poverty, depression, etc.), not counting the uselessness of PCR tests for diagnosing sickness or an asymptomatic super-spreader.4
All this might indicate that Pope Francis is being denied crucial information by his entourage. For example, before Laudato Si, Msgr. Sanchez Sorondo expelled from the Pontifical Academy of Sciences all the scientists with evidence that decarbonisation wouldn’t have a significant impact on global surface temperatures, while that depopulation draconian policy would starve the economy and humans to death in installments.5
Another case is Msgr. Paglia at the Pontifical Academy for Life, who has publicly supported contraception (which except barrier, is all abortifacient)6, abortion7 and euthanasia8, electing pro-abortion members9 and rejecting projects like a wiki on 100+ pro-life laws, which could be copied in different countries, or a list of SEC (safe, effective and cheap) COVID treatments, which were available even before the lockdowns.10
In Telegram app there’s still some freedom in groups of vaccine victims, doctors for truth, patriots, freedom fighters, etc. Yet, those who try to write against the narrative in mainstream or social media, immediately find censorship: another point proving that the Pope is in a crystal prison. 11
Except prayer, the only way to change this situation might be informing the Priests, asking them to tell the Bishops, who in turn would personally debrief the Pope.
So, returning to the first sentence, here’s the new acclaimed documentary and many others, which hopefully would awaken the rest of Christendom and through all, the Church authorities (in case someone objects lack of scientific references, here12 they find 2000 of them):
Let's pra, through the five Hearts of the Holy Family, that the following proposals for any diocese will reach Bishops, and eventually, the Pope:
Note: translation from Spanish available in several languages upon request.
1 https://archive.org/details/St.FaustinaKowalskaDiary
2 http://bit.ly/paraiglesia
3 https://sites.krieger.jhu.edu/iae/files/2022/01/A-Literature-Review-and-Meta-Analysis-of-the-Effects-of-Lockdowns-on-COVID-19-Mortality.pdf
4 http://bit.ly/research2000
5 https://scientificprogress.substack.com/p/best-scientific-sources-to-debunk https://www.ncregister.com/blog/april-2015-conference
6 https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/vatican-archbishop-says-pope-francis-or-his-successor-will-contradict-churchs-ban-on-contraception https://www.lifesitenews.com/opinion/pontifical-academy-for-lifes-new-book-on-contraception-effectively-denies-objective-morality
7 https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/head-of-pontifical-academy-for-life-must-recant-support-for-abortion-law-jpii-pro-life-academy
8 https://cruxnow.com/vatican/2019/12/vatican-official-id-hold-hand-of-person-dying-from-assisted-suicide
9 https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/top-catholic-doctor-denounces-popes-appointment-of-pro-abortion-atheist-to-pontifical-academy-for-life
10 https://covid19criticalcare.com/treatment-protocols
11 Some of this author’s emails never reach destination and don’t get a bouncing message in spite of opting for tracing. Google Groups doesn’t distribute some of the messages. Facebook and Twitter shadow ban messages nobody sees them while the author thinks it’s posted for everyone. Even the President of the USA got a social media account “suspension” (meaning ban).
12 http://bit.ly/research2000