Holy Week
Advent on Mobile Bay
Arriving unexpectedly, like a message in a bottle,
Washing up on shore, Advent is waiting
For us to open its message.
Inside is an ancient word from Mary:
“Prepare for my Son, who will
Free you from sin for salvation.”
Savior of the world, a newborn king,
The Word made flesh;
He comes to wash our sins away.
He prepares us precisely by catching us
Unprepared, so we can desire
To enter into Christ’s life.
We place our hope in the living Christ
We beg for mercy for us
To fall like the morning dew.
“When you call me , when you pray to me,
I will listen to you. When you look for me,
You will find me , and I will change your lot…”(Jer29:11)
Here I am, Lord, I come to seek your will,
When my strength fails do not forsake me,
Lead me to your everlasting life.