The Mystery of Tithing-Part 2
Two Thieves In Heaven?
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
We will never know until we get there. For the feast of Christ the King we heard the Gospel account of the Good Thief. As you probably remember, the first thief blasphemed Jesus. The Good Thief rebuked the first thief and asked the Lord to remember him when he comes into His Kingdom. The Lord’s response was that “this day you will be with me in paradise.”
After that response from Jesus could the first thief have had a change of heart? The Gospel does not record this. Would Jesus have forgiven him if he had a change of heart even at the very last moment of his life after Jesus had died? Of course, he would. The mercy of God is deep and wide.
How do I know this? Let’s examine two disciple’s lives. Peter denied Jesus three times while Jesus was on trial. When the cock crowed, Peter left the courtyard and wept bitterly in sorrow for what he had done. He did not despair. After Jesus’ resurrection, the Lord asked Peter three times, “Do you love Me?” Peter professed his faith and love three times and was forgiven by the Lord.
The next disciple’s life to observe is Judas Iscariot. He sold Jesus to the Chief Priests of his day for thirty pieces of silver. When Judas saw what happened to Jesus, he was also sorry for what he had done. He threw the thirty pieces of silver in the temple according to Scripture. However, Judas despaired and hung himself. Did Judas ask God for mercy and forgiveness before his death? The Gospel does not record anything about last minute repentance. It still could have been possible, but we will never know until we reach the after-life.
The moral of this article is to always seek God’s forgiveness and mercy for whatever we have done. Never despair or think that your sins are unforgivable. That type of thought about unforgivable sins comes from Satan, the devil.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.