Our Call to work and Evangelize comes from God!
“An Ode to the Most Wonderful Mother of God”
As I dream of peace at a time of insolence she reaches down and fills my emptiness with the fullness of God’s love. There is a realm of gentle touch she brings to me. I am covered within a completeness of the peace I dreamed but never understood its essence until my Mother opened my spiritual mind and found the reality of God’s unending love.
A voice of sweetness spoke to me that seemed to sweep away the cloud of doubt. This doubt appeared before She entered and there became a myriad of angels surrounding the two of us.
To the enemy of our minds she stands before us holding a sepulcher empty of souls but waiting for the gentle call that will accompany each of us as we journey toward the gate of paradise.
It is the motherly protection that stands before us welcoming you and I into a threshold of peace and free of the evil found throughout the world we live in. As soon as this enemy appears her presence is seen and the strength of angelic messengers creates a path that will lead us home
with our mother leading us to God.
She is the ultimate projection of humanity through whom God’s grace shines and the personification that is given freely to each of us as her Son Jesus Christ stands ready to accept us.
Honoring our Blessed Mother is the finality of God’s gift to a fallen race in order to be raised from the sin we were part of and to share the interception of grace coming through her Miraculous Heart, coming from almighty God.
As we reminisce about the Annunciation, that without her acceptance the Incarnation would not have occurred, Her answer of Yes raised our adoration for her as the Mother of God and ours as well.
Ralph B. Hathaway