The Need For Prayer
Standing at the lectern in church, Father Ignatius said, “Today’s Gospel from Luke Chapter 19 verses 1 to 10 tells the story of a very rich senior tax collector named Zacchaeus. He was very short and, having heard about Jesus, was very curious to see Him. Because he could not do so because of the crowd, he ran ahead and climbed a tree in order to see Jesus better.
“Then a strange thing happened. When Jesus reached the tree He told Zacchaeus to come down because He wanted to stay at his house that day.
“In order to understand the significance of this we must remember that in those days, when a new rabbi or religious leader came to town, it was customary for the faithful to invite him to their home to dinner. This also used to be a custom in our church whenever a new priest was posted to a new parish or town. The congregation used to queue up to invite him to dinner. It was a sort of competition as to who had the priest in their home first. I’ve enjoyed many a nice meal this way!”
The congregation laughed. Father Ignatius waited until they settled down and then continued, “What is significant in today’s Gospel is that Jesus invited Himself in Zacchaeus’ house. He did not wait to be invited. He invited Himself.
“I wonder what you would think if I invited myself to lunch at your home today? You’d probably worry that the house is not clean; that you do not have some nice food prepared, or that this or that is not OK and ready to have me visit your homes. Don’t worry. I won’t come to your home today, and I look forward to Mrs Davenport’s lovely Lancashire Hotpot!”
The congregation laughed as the priests’ housekeeper beamed widely.
“What is important here,” continued the priest, “is that Jesus was not really interested in having a meal at Zacchaeus’ house. He invited Himself for two reasons. The first, He knew that the people would grumble that He went to a sinner’s house. The second reason, is that Jesus knew that Zacchaeus was ready for conversion. His heart was ready.
“And sure enough, Zacchaeus promised to give money to the poor and repay those he defrauded.
“Jesus then declared that salvation had come to Zacchaeus’ house, and that He, Jesus, came to seek out and to save the lost.”
Father Ignatius stopped for a moment or two to allow the message to sink home, and then he said, “I wonder if Jesus came to this town today. Would He invite Himself to your home? Would He be preaching to the converted in you, and go elsewhere to someone who has yet to know God and His Son Jesus?
“And how would you feel if He chose your home? Would you feel in total despair that you are a sinner in need of salvation, despite the façade you portray to others?
“Or if Jesus went elsewhere and not to your home; would you feel all proud and smug that you are OK and not in need of Christ’s saving grace?
“You see my friends, today’s Gospel is aimed at us as much as it was relevant to Zacchaeus all those years ago.
“We are all in need of salvation, and the fact that Jesus may have gone elsewhere does not make us more holy or saintly than anyone else. If we are to welcome Him into our souls, we must recognise first and foremost that we are not worthy to have Him under our roof, as the centurion said. But He needs only to say the Word and we will be healed and redeemed of our sins!”