A continuation on the highest level of life; a right to it!
Of course today you are able to read a newpaper report, watch a news program on TV, or listen to any preacher speaking about abortion or related issues, and visualize the immensity of self-destruction our society has allowed to enter a free-life God ordained for us, and wonder.
This of course will not be my last article covering this degradation to the first chapter in Genesis when God made man and gave him a female companion. “God created man in his image; in the divine image he created him; male and female he created them. God blessed them saying; “Be fertile and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it. Have dominion over the fish of the sea, the birds of the air, and all living things that move on the earth.” (Gn 1: 27 - 28).
How many centuries has the church attuned itself to these simple statements as an industrious owner would direct a management director to run his business. It is difficult to understand how for the first 20 centuries the process of adherence to God’s directions were so easy to follow, work with each other even when discrepancies arose and Counsels and many crowned Saints worked through developing or circumventing heresies and schisms. Then toward the end of the 20th century and now into this 21st century all hell broke loose.
Tonight on Fox news, it was revealed (not a brand new report) Trudeau has sided with the Canadian Medical institution to promote the open opportunity for people to seek euthanasia for almost any reason. Also, there is a movement underway to forcefully eliminate the poor, the crippled, and the under-developed mentally challenged who perhaps are just a drag on society. Where have we heard this scenario before? Under Hitler during the Third Reich.
We can't be surprised when this perspective of controlling society reaches across our northern border especially since the current administration is like bed-fellows with the Canadians. Canada is a great nation and we both depend on each other for more than moral cooperation. But as the signs of the possibility of a one-world government and religion are on the horizon, the threat of tyrannical overpowering and total control over morality seems to be imminent.
At one time, seems a long time ago, the thought of foreign invasion was a sci-fi reality. Now it isn’t sci-fi, it is realistic within our own borders, promoted among our elected officials, and is making its punch a lasting pain we are facing, daily.
I once said that abortion is the mother of euthanasia and its offspring will become the downfall of any nation that seeks moral subsistence with the enemy of God.
The future of a moral collapse is upon us and most do not see it because it is covered over by false images that have erased God’s presence in schools, through the tolerance of immorality and the brain-washing of innocent children’s ability to learn right from wrong through Christian Moral teaching.
Ralph B. Hathaway