St Isidore of Madrid
The Glory of the Lord is this: that He allowed Himself one triumph and then death.
The Glory of the Lord is this: that He came and instructed the mighty as He did the poor.
The Glory of the Lord is this: that He was an Infant with a host arrayed for battle and kings at call, and He leaned on one poor carpenter.
The Glory of the Lord is this: that His Queen dwelt in a dirt cottage and filled it with more beauty than all palaces.
The Glory of the Lord is this: that everywhere men die at their appointed times and no later nor earlier.
The Glory of the Lord is this: that He conquered the whole world, death, and hell, from the back of an ass.
The Glory of the Lord is this: that dead men forgotten shall rise again and receive all that they deserve.
The Glory of the Lord is this: that miracles are small and thorny temptations, but suffering in obscurity is the most magnificent gift.
The Glory of the Lord is this: that His enemies receive every advantage and He every disadvantage before His victory and their downfall.
The Glory of the Lord is this: that even now, He and all Heaven calls us and wonders what we have not seen for which we could possibly still be looking.
Lord, I am a small and faltering candle, but do not snuff me out, and look to my intentions, and let it not be said that You begin a work which You do not finish. Amen.