Ask again; Why hasn't God brought an end to our suffering?
Trying to answer why those who do not believe smell like roses?
The old adage of why God doesn’t treat non-believers any differently than we who adhere to His dictates of truth. One only needs to open the Psalms and search the same questions to find that God does indeed give credence to this issue and in his time establishes the result that will be compatible to each one's needs. The end result will take many to unpleasantness and the others to a glorious conclusion.
Without too much grief pondered within our quest as to why, we should trust in the promise God established for humanity that his love goes beyond the slightest endeavor any one of us is able to muster.
Who among us is able to make a judgment on any chosen person, from the worst dictator ever lived to the one who infuriates us, even our relatives? That covers a wide expanse of humanity and makes us just like God, in our own reasoning. As in the story of Job Satan stood before God accusing him of allowing this servant to live free of problems So God allowed Satan to bring anything he desired upon Job’s wealth and even his family to see if this man of God would fall under suffering and curse God. We all know the end result and see how faith in the Omnipotent God will always get us through life’s tragedies.
This is a testament to why the allowance of God towards all of his children is equal regardless of the destiny each one seems to inherit whether good or evil. God does not wish failure in our lives to determine our future in which we shall be invited to share forever his presence. Our mission was not designed to live in luxury without seeing to the needs of our less fortunate brothers and sisters. We have been given an opportunity to lift those unfortunate souls from the depths of humanity’s tragedies to the level of human compassion. When some who are blessed with so much and take advantage of it to the repression of the poor still have an open invitation to step in and assist those to be lifted out of degradation. When they have turned back to God their destiny will change from possible loss of their souls to that like those in heaven.
Each one of us must be careful not to judge any of our brothers and sisters no matter what stage of life they are living. Are there many who seem to be Satan’s cohorts? Yes. Are we able to recognize the evil that confronts us in a world that appears far from the Holiness of God? Again a loud yes? Are we still taking the attitude that it’s ok to sit as their judges? No! No matter their sin as deep and insidious these are, we must still pray for the worst ones as they are children of God. Remember, God looked upon all he created and was pleased; “God looked at everything he had made, and he found it very good.” (GN 1: 31).
Am I being too tolerant of those who perform Godless activities taking for granted what God has blessed them with without proving what God has said about those who do not reform their rejections of God?
“How long, Lord, shall the wicked, how long shall the wicked glory? How long will they mouth haughty speeches, go on boasting, all these evildoers? They crush your people, Lord, torment your very own. They kill the widow and alien; the fatherless they murder. They say, The Lord does not see; the God of Jacob takes no notice.” (Ps 94: 3 - 7).
“Does the one who shaped the ear not hear? The one who formed the eye not see? Does the one who guides the nations not rebuke? The one who teaches humans not have knowledge? The Lord does know human plans; they are only puffs of air.” (Ps 94: 9 - 11).
“Can unjust judges be your allies, those who create burdens in the name of law,
Those who conspire against the just and condemn the innocent to death? No, the Lord is my secure height, my God, the rock where I find refuge, Who will turn back their evil upon them and destroy them for their wickedness. Surely the Lord our God will destroy them.” (Ps 94:20 -23).
Ralph B. Hathaway