Book Review: All You Holy Women, Pray for Us
In our society today, there is much discouragement both in the news and in life in general. However, God wish for us to be encouraged and to be encouraging to others. We all have human limitations which come in many forms; however, the Lord has blessed each person with gifts and talents. The way we can be encouragers both toward ourselves and to others is to recognize the goodness God has placed within ourselves and to go in that direction each day. Here are ways to be an encourager in life in pursuing the will of God.
Be positive
Some in the church teach and believe that the power of positive thinking is against what we believe as Catholics and as Christians. This is partially true since there is such a thing as “the cross” in terms of both Jesus’ cross and our own. We need to take both the good and the bad of life, so the power of positive thinking will not overcome the cross. However, being positive in a general way is step number one in being an encourager. There is so much negativity in our world and within ourselves. When we see the positive in each situation of our lives, it is easier to encourage ourselves and to those around us.
Use words to express encouragement
Not everyone has the gift of being expressive, but it is wonderful to be able to express verbally encouragement as a gift to others. A great many people live a life of hardships and difficulties and without a kind word or any encouragement. When we can express ourselves using the proper words, we can help others to continue the journey of life in the greatest of ways. If you are a person of few words, consider sending a note, an email, or a text to express gratitude and kindness toward someone else. Especially those who suffer need to know not only does God care, but so do you.
Prayer is the greatest give we can give to others and to ourselves as well. Pray is a beautiful way to encourage because God has the power to transform, and prayer is the antidote. Pray daily for those who struggle, those who have a lack of support, and those who are marginalized. This is one of the best gifts one can give in any circumstance. Don’t pray for results of any kind when you pray. Pray for love, peace, and to trust God not only for another person but for yourself too.
Remember to smile and be happy
Many a Catholic and Christian will refer to the fact that we are called to by joyful and not so much happy. This is true since joy is something we can feel and experience despite circumstances. However, there is something to be said about being happy. There is no human alive who does not wish to be happy, so encouraging others to pursue real happiness in life is not a bad thing at all. Happiness is what wakes us up in the morning and helps us to keep going despite challenges. Joy is even greater than happiness, but experience and living out happiness in a Godly way is certainly not wrong. Remember to smile, to be happy and to give that happiness away to others as a way of being encouraging.
Keep negativity away with God’s help
Negative people and situation remove the joy out of life all too often. There are often givers and takers in life, which is sad to accept, but often true. Be a giver but have good boundaries when it comes to those people and situations which take the happiness out of life and bring about insecurity and doubt. Pray for your enemies, and don’t feel guilty when at times you must keep them at a distance for your sanity. Encouraging oneself is a major part of encouraging others, so be sure to keep the proper boundaries to love both yourself and others in the greatest of ways.
Never give up
Jesus gave us the most profound example of never giving up. This is REAL encouragement both in our faith-life and life in general. Don’t give up on others or yourself. God wishes for you to know and feel his love each day of your life and to give it away. Never giving up means also that you aren’t giving up on God. Keep going strong every day and be a fighter for good since God needs you to be a part of mission in making the world a better place.
These tips are for each of us to be encouraging in being a part of the solution of bringing more love into the world. Be encouraged each day that you have a purpose and a mission that no one else can do but you. God has not given up on you, so don’t give up on him either. Ever.