A Crucible we must be aware of
Life to the fullest, a life not with God but a life within God
Life to the fullest, life in God; life with God and our life to be we carry from where we are to life in God. For we shall be that life which is God within us.
What will we be? Whom shall we be? To answer all the what’s and when’s we must first taste He who is God. “Taste and see!” We sing with praise- to Christ who gives so freely as our nature is absorbed in the living God when we have completely allowed ourselves to become one with God; only then can our finiteness see and feel His infinite being. Only then will he open himself to accept our wanting humanity in an existence of his divinity.
We cannot see God, yet the closer we reach out to his waiting grasp the sight of human eyes is not physical but like a flower in the sun his being is felt with life-giving warmth, a touch so divine that in itself it can only be known, yet not fully understood.
When will this unknown, yet greatly anticipated, occur? It already has begun as each soul who believes in a union of the divine reaching into our humanity is an existence at our finger-tips. Listen to the words the deacon says when preparing the chalice for consecration’ “Through the mystery of this water and wine may we come to share in the divinity of Christ as he shares in our humanity.” The correctness of this statement is not important but the meaning is endearing and brings the Incarnation to life in our minds.
This article was not meant to ascertain any particular direction as a teaching but to share the feelings of one who has seen God’s gifts of listening to a heart that has absorbed a word of the holiness we all seek. That holiness is available to each of us when our mind and heart untie in a sense of the peace Jesus constantly spoke of after his resurrection.
Any time we might feel down spiritually, remember these words are meant for us as we walk the path with eyes that are closed, guided only by faith in him who rose in glory.
Ralph B. Hathaway