Another failure, another grace-filled sign of forgiveness
The question of Mary; Born Immaculately or not; placing the Hypostatic union in limbo!
Until the end of time, as far as human viability is concerned, the same old discussion of Mary’s Immaculate Conception will stand the teaching of the Catholic Church, while too many protestant denominations will refuse this miracle. If she was born with the scourge of original sin as we are, the Son of God could not have been conceived through the Holy Spirit as his mother had to be holy and free from sin.
This brings us to a most dramatic conclusion regarding a recent TV minister saying that the blood of Jesus was not from his mother since she had original sin. If that is the case where did this blood come from? God the Father and the Holy Spirit are Spirit only and no human factors can be found in them. One more important aspect is if Jesus did not have human blood was he placed in Mary’s womb free from a human connection?
We know that when a baby begins to grow in its mother’s womb an umbilical cord becomes the human connection through which the baby gets nourishment including human blood. After all, Jesus was born with the Incarnation where the divine took on humanity in all its environs and blood.
Looking at the different times in history where a consecrated host was found to contain DNA and the blood type discovered was type AB. Where did these attributes originate from? At times I often wonder if some of these unbelievers see the Incarnation as a sci-fi incident where pods from an alien source enter a human body and act as humans. How ridiculous their thinking that Mary could not have passed an important factor such as human blood to her son.
Christian theology tells us Jesus was not divine alone and the Holy Spirit caused the conception to become human in Mary’s womb. That is what the Incarnation is all about; Jesus in the womb of Mary first and taking on real human attributes, becoming 100 % divine and 100 % human at the same time. This is the Hypostatic Union. Any contradiction to this leans on heresy.
There may be some who will balk at this writing saying what is the difference? The Old Testament prophecies are numerous predicting the birth of a messiah and the woman who gives birth will be a virgin. Beginning with Genesis and through the many books of prophets told the Israites for centuries that the sin of Adam would be overcome and the genealogy from David to Christ would occur, concluding on the Cross to show the Father’s deep love for us. If the blood Jesus shed on the cross was not human as well as divine, what was the sacrifice that began with suffering throughout his ministry?
In case anyone questions all of this, think back to the mystery of how God planned to save us through forgiveness. If he would have sent his Son without taking on humanity, who would have listened. The people would hear his plea and once he returned to heaven they would say; “who does he think we are? What proof do we have? But Jesus was a man born of a woman, raised by parents, suffered as we suffer, excluded like many of us, and bled like we do as he died the very same as each one of us. The example of God and Man through the Incarnation was like us exactly except for sin proves the Father knew what would get our attention. He lived and died and rose from the dead, a man and God’s Son all in one person. That is our future as the Holy Trinity never has left us alone.
Christmas is the story of a child who is Christ the Lord who came at the Father’s Will to pay a ransom by giving the world the only way to heaven which was lost by sin. Mary’s role was more than biological; it was the yes that a mother could only profess.
Ralph B. Hathaway