Seek Wisdom: 20th Sunday of Ordinary Time
“It’s all over now. We made it through another year” Those were the words that I would hear on Christmas between my maternal grandfather and my older siblings’ paternal grandfather as they sit in the living room or the dining room as they are reminiscing about the past and looking at the new year with much anticipation.
Like them, we can only hope for the best for ourselves and our loved ones. 2022 has been a year that continues to provide us with lessons that will help us to cultivate more growth, especially with our faith journey.
Lesson 1: Sacraments are not artificial
Despite the return of in-person Mass to full capacity, we are not back to the regular Mass attendance numbers. Many are still streaming Mass. While it is great to offer this option, it is for those who can’t physically attend Mass due to a chronic health condition. Many are physically able to attend. A priest once reminded me that the sacraments that must be experienced. The Eucharist is the most important thing that we must strive to receive, and virtual Mass does not fill the void but creates a deeper one.
We also must make an effort to get to confession more.
Lesson 2: Spiritual combat is upon us
Since the Dobbs decision, many Catholic Churches and even pregnancy resource centers have been attacked, raided, and vandalized. The devil is hard at work. We must be ready to combat him.
St. Paul reminds us in his letter to the Ephesians that we’re not fighting flesh and blood but rather the principalities and spirits of the evil one (Ephesians 6: 10-18).
Let us equip ourselves now with the rosary, sacraments, Holy Hours, and daily prayers to stop the evil one.
Lesson 3: Supporting abortion contradicts church teachings
Have we had enough of hearing politicians like outgoing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, President Joe Biden, Rep. Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez, and other “Catholic” politicians use their faith to defend how they will vote? They are not devout “Catholics”. Rather, they are fallen children. Each of them must be prayed for. Some were told not to receive communion as they are in a state of mortal sin under Canon Law 915.
A devout Catholic would fight tooth and nail to protect the teachings of the church without compromise.
Lesson 4: The Truth Is Truth
Our culture has brought about a challenge to speak it. Let’s be willing to accept it. Yes, we will be disliked, hated, dissed, and even canceled. Embrace that possibility. The truth hurts, whether we accept it or not. Even Jesus will relate to the possibilities when it happens.
Even the events of late with Fr. Frank Pavone show that many Catholics are unhappy with what he has done and now he was defrocked by the Vatican.
Now, we may not know the whole story about what went down. What we do know is the Vatican and local diocese have canceled priests over telling what is true instead of saying something comfortable.
The situation around Fr. Frank does need to be prayed about, for sure.
Imagine also how much Elon Musk is being hated for leaking the truth about the 2020 elections and even the COVID-19 pandemic while restoring the accounts of many conservative minds.
Even pro-lifers are being silenced by the Biden administration through the FBI acting like Hitler’s Gestapo.
Lesson 5: Parents Are Needed as Teachers
The events around the LGBT (whatever the other letters are) movement when they were exposed by Governor DeSantis shows that parents need to stop the perversion dead in its tracks. Children must not be exposed to this satanic cult in schools, public libraries, and even the internet.
Many of them are registered sex offenders (the news failed to mention it in their narratives) with the end goal of indoctrinating our children for their gratification. Parents must step up to teach their children faith, common sense, and life skills, and even teach them to love from the home.
Lesson 6: God answers prayers... on his own time
Rosary novena. Check. Novena to find a spouse or vocation. Check. No answer to them. Be patient.
God hears everyone’s prayers. Don’t expect magic after praying a novena or rosary. Prayers will be answered in God’s time. Sometimes it’ll take a while. Then, he may answer them quickly. All it takes is patience and perseverance in faith for them to be answered.
Lesson 7: The government is not God
Are we tired of placing our dependency on the government? Government is not God. That is how communism happened in Russia, China, and many parts of the world. It is failing. Sadly, this is opening more doors to dictatorship and even overreach. Look at what they are doing to life and marriage. Man-made laws do not have the final say. God’s law is superior.
Let these lessons help us to be better in 2023. 2022 had many hard ones. We must continue to grow and rely on God.
I find that the faith thrives when Catholics strive to walk the path that many fail to see while not looking at the distractions around them.