The Mystery of Tithing-Part 2
Jesus – God With Us
Submitted by Thomas Stidl
While waiting for a Catholic Mass to air on television, I heard one of those Protestant; Fundamentalist preachers say that since Jesus ascended to the Father in Heaven, He was no longer with us. I think that preacher needs to reread the Christian Testament portion of the Bible.
Per the Jewish prophets, Jesus is Emmanuel, ‘God With Us”. What did Jesus do at the Last Supper? He instituted the sacrament of the Holy Eucharist. He gave us his body, blood, soul, and divinity in that Blessed Sacrament. Jesus did not refer to the bread or wine as symbols of his True Presence.
During the Consecration Portion of the Mass in the Person of Jesus Christ uses the same words as Jesus. The bread and wine are changed into the Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity of Christ by what Catholics call Transubstantiation. In each Catholic tabernacle on earth where the Consecrated Host is present is the True Presence here on Earth. Every time we receive that Eucharistic Meal, we receive his true presence under the substance of bread and wine. Usually when we eat food, the food becomes part of us. When we partake in the Eucharistic meal we become more like him as our body absorbs the Heavenly Food.
The Heavenly Food is also nourishment for the soul. Please do not let anyone fool you. Jesus Christ is truly present in our world.
After Jesus rose from the dead and before He ascended into Heaven, He told his disciples to baptize all nations and that he would be with his Church even unto the consummation of the world.
The Book of Revelations relates to us that Jesus stands at the doors of our hearts knocking. All we need do is to open the door and He and his Father will enter to dine with us. Why must Jesus knock? The door to our hearts is sometimes closed. Let us make it our New Years practice to leave the doors of our hearts wide open so that the Father and Jesus can enter without knocking. Let us not do anything that would slam the door shut on Them by wrongful thoughts, words, and deeds. Every day we must become more and more like Jesus. Then when our human body dies and it is time for our judgment, Jesus will not see you but He will see a mirror image of Himself. Ask for that grace at the Consecration of the Host. At the Consecration of the wine, ask Our Lord for the grace that his blood will wash you clean, make you pure, and make you a saint.
Until next time, Laus Tibi, Christe. Deo Gratias. Praise be to God. See you in Paradise.