What NOT to do as a parent: a Catholic perspective
Friendliness and affability are a virtue of our faith. It falls under the category of justice which is a cardinal virtue. Not everyone is aware that it is an actual virtue to strive after. St. Thomas Aquinas expanded upon affability in his writings.
Here are some reasons to consider on why this virtue is important to our faith and life.
It is what Jesus wishes
The Lord is a model of kindness and gentleness toward others. Part of that kindness is showing friendliness and hospitality. We can all get very comfortable with our own surroundings and the people we are used to such as family, old friends from high school or college, and neighbors we have known for years. This is all well and good. However, the Lord constantly calls us out of ourselves to befriend new people especially those who may be marginalized in some way or who need a friend. Affability and friendliness are ways to make that happen.
Snobbery is wrong
Some argue that niceness isn’t important to our faith. Kindness and doing good are what matters. This is true, but only partially. If you have ever been treated meanly or have been bullied, you understand the point. Being “nice” does make a difference in just about every circumstance and snobbery is against our faith. The antidote for snobbery is friendliness. A friendly smile, acceptance, and genuine outreach is definitely the opposite spectrum of those who come off with an air of superiority.
It is a way to spread the gospel
Everyday living is where the gospel happens. Many of us don’t have to travel very far to do the word of God and his will for our lives. When we behave in a friendly and kind manner to those we encounter, we are spreading the gospel of Christ. Without a doubt, this is his will for us.
There are many other ways and means of living the virtue of friendliness and affability. Pray about the ways that you may be able to make a difference for others just by being a good listener, friendly, kind, and open to others. The gospel is something lived out moment by moment. Do your best to be on the look out for those who could use your smile, your attentiveness, and your friendly demeanor and attitude.