A Tale of Two Priests
We will soon be full-fledge into campaign season, we will have a president to elect in 2016 as well as countless other offices and issues to resolve. It will be truly important to know what these candidates and issues stand for.
Don’t be fooled. Just because candidates says that they are “Catholic” or “Christian” doesn’t really mean they stand for Catholic or Christian values or teachings. We have two very prominent Catholics in office currently that defy church teaching and doctrine in word, deed and lifestyle. They promote anti-Catholic doctrines and policies while partaking in the blessed Sacraments of the Church. So be vigilant.
Be mindful and prayerful. Evaluate your choices and vote according to your heart, your conscience and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. I once defined my political affiliation as Republican, now when I reflect on this, I declare my affiliation to be Catholic.
That means I vote according to my beliefs aligning with the sanctity of all human life. That human life can be in the form of an unborn child, a terminally ill patient, and illegal immigrant, a homeless person, or an inmate on death row. Why? Jesus commands it, that’s why.
I vote for and believe in social justice, which is so meritoriously demonstrated by our Holy Father these days. I reflect and find important the issues of equality, and the need to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, and provide homes for the homeless. I believe in compassion for the outcasts, and pity for the sick and heartbroken. I believe in the beauty and need to protect the creation that God gave us and entrusted to our care.
I believe in unconditional love for everyone, even our enemies. I believe in loving even the terrorists and criminals that hate us and want to kill us. Why? Again, Jesus commanded it of us, and Jesus did this. He loved us all, to death. He forgave his murderers from the cross. He is our True and Glorious example in this Earthly life. Sure it’s difficult, tremendously so, but Jesus never told us it would be easy, just the opposite, he predicted and warned us of the difficulties of living a Godly life.
What matters when looking at the issues: love, compassion, and mercy. Think about what Jesus would do. Only God’s love and charity will change the world, and transform it. We are the Body of Christ, we are God’s love in this world; we must display it, live it and vote for it!