Imagine they made a movie of your life. A very successful film about you. A film with many awards nominations and many Oscars and other trophies.
What sort of film will it be?
An adventure story about all your travels and the people you met and the things you did?
Or a great romance and a story of love winning despite all adversity and difficulties and prejudice?
Perhaps your life has been one of courage struggling against illness, or poverty or some other obstacle that life throws in our way sometimes.
A comedy maybe? It perhaps fits your character and the way you go through life. Or the other extreme, a horror movie ... and so on ... and so on ...
What movie would characterise your life? Is it perhaps a mixture of all these styles ?
Now imagine you are at the cinema for the première showing of this film made to honour you and your life and contribution to society and this world.
Everyone who is everyone is there. Famous people, family and friends, and cinema and TV critics from all over the world.
Also, sitting next to you watching the film is Jesus.
What would He think of your film? Of your life?
Let's think about that for a few moments ... ... ...
But wait ... the film is not over yet. Do you realise that right now, this very moment, you have a great opportunity to make sure that your film ... your life ... will have a happy ending.
Then Jesus, sitting beside you, will turn to you and with a smile say, "Thank you!"