Leaving a Legacy
The Born-Alive Protection Act passed the House this week with a 220 to 210 vote. All "no" votes were from Democrats.
The House Democrats are apoplectic about this bill, claiming it infringes on reproductive rights. Since when is killing a newborn a right? That's correct … any baby that survives the most heinous assault on its life is a newborn. What do the Democrats have against them? Why in the world are they demanding these particular newborns be denied medical care and allowed to die, crying and shivering on a cold table or in a trash can?
The primary reasons for abortion are fear, lack of support (emotional and/or financial) from the father, family, etc., and impact on a career path. Abortion survivors enter this world under those unfavorable conditions, but for crying out loud, they survived. What do you think "survivor" means? It means they are alive. Their hearts are beating; they are breathing. They deserve the same love, care, compassion, and comfort as any other baby. Preemies aren't left to die, are they? Full-term babies with medical problems are treated, aren't they? What's the difference? There is none.
Indulge me and consider this: If a woman gives birth, goes home, and then faces challenges like losing support or becoming unemployed, does she withhold affection from the baby? Does she withhold food or a place to sleep? Does she drop the baby in a dumpster? Of course not.
Let's pray there are a few Senate Democrats that are not as heartless and barbaric and join the Republicans in protecting these miracles from God.